Dear John,

For some women International Women’s Day is a cause of celebration!

In the last 25 years, more women than ever before have realised their human rights. Their right to have control over their own lives, their right to make their own decisions, their right to live a life free from violence. 

But for many women, the world remains a very unequal place. If anything, the situation has gotten worse! Globally, women and girls with disabilities are up to 3 times more likely to be raped, and are more likely to suffer worse injuries and more prolonged abuse than those without disabilities. (1)

Magret (above), who was born deaf, learnt only very basic sign language as a child. After being raped as a teenager, she had no way of communicating to police what had happened.
“I was raped and infected with HIV. I didn’t go to the hospital
and ended up delivering a baby who is also HIV positive…
The same man came back and raped me again.”

Read Magret's story
Magret’s experience is all too common in Zimbabwe where women with disabilities often live in isolation, excluded from their communities, denied education and healthcare and unable to earn their own income or play an active role in society.
What We Can Do to Help

This #IWD2020, Womankind is standing in solidarity with local partners in Zimbabwe, Deaf Women Included. Together, we’re working to:
  • Support women to attend workshops where they can learn about their legal rights, how to recognise different forms of violence, and where to seek help when violence occurs
  • Train nurses, police officers and court officials on the needs of women with disabilities along with basic training in sign language
  • Raise awareness of the violence faced by women in the wider community through a mass media campaign highlighting the impact violence has on women with disabilities.
If you believe this work is important, please consider supporting us with a monthly gift this International Women’s Day.

Gifts from regular supporters make up one-quarter of Womankind’s income. By choosing to give in this way, we can plan projects more efficiently with our partner organisations in Africa and Asia.

With more monthly supporters on board, we can work to improve the lives of more women around the world. It’s as simple as that.
With best wishes,

Hannah Little
Fundraising & Marketing Officer
(1) Ortoleva S. and Lewis H., Forgotten Sisters – A Report on Violence against Women with Disabilities: An Overview of its Nature, Scope, Causes and Consquence (2012).
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