I formally call on my representative, Adam Schiff, to sign onto Cori Bush’s ceasefire resolution.
I ran against Schiff in 2020 and 2022 to call attention to the deteriorating state of LGBTQIA+ rights in the United States, and to push Schiff to endorse policies like the Green New Deal and Medicare for All.
Now, I’m calling on Schiff to un-endorse the military industrial complex which funded his campaigns for many years and to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, protecting human rights and saving lives.
Already politicians like Schiff are losing endorsements and support over their commitment to the U.S. war machine. Burbank Mayor Konstantine Anthony, who has endorsed our campaign, rescinded his endorsement of Schiff for Senate until he calls for a ceasefire.
U.S. funding of Israel mirrors another tragedy that resonates in this district; the Armenian genocide in 1915, which in part was a precursor to the Holocaust. The perpetrators of the Armenian genocide never faced any consequences, and ennobled Adolf Hitler to believe he could do the same.
As Jewish people, we never forget, and say never again. Never again for anybody.