Friend --
URGENT: Public education in Oakland needs your help.
Tomorrow is the special election for Oakland School Board, which means
we’ve got 24 hours to beat the charter schools and elect DSA member
Sasha Ritzie-Hernandez. We need 14 more members to contribute by
tomorrow. Rush
$27 to EBDSA’s Sasha campaign now!
East Bay DSA members power Sasha’s campaign! Here we are about
to knock doors at a canvass last month.
What are we up against?
The charter school lobby’s candidate and their billionaire
bucks, trying to turn public
education into their private profits.
More school closures and staff cuts. The District has no qualms about shuttering
public schools while charter schools siphon away tens of millions of
- Teachers and families leaving the district. Will the School Board support good
contracts for our unionized workers, or continue to bleed workers to
better compensated school districts? Will parents keep their kids in
Oakland schools if class sizes top 30?
There’s only one way we can win schools that work, and that’s
if we beat the billionaires together. Are you in? Pitch
in $27 to help us knock doors and WIN!
What are EBDSA and Sasha fighting for?
Fair pay for teachers, so educators can afford to stay in Oakland
No school closures and no new charter schools, so schools serve working families, not the
Working with parents and the community, so parents can have a real impact on their
children’s schools
Safe schools, so
schools serve students of color and working-class students, rather
than trying to solve safety issues with more police
- Want to make this vision of public education real? We just
need 34 more people to chip in! Help
us take back the School Board TOMORROW with $27.
Where do you come in, Friend?
Thanks for everything, [Firstname or “friend”]. Let’s win
the fight for Oakland schools together.
In solidarity,
Paul Frank Mallon East Bay DSA