Ben Cline - United States Congress (logo)

Tomorrow is Election Day and Virginians have an exciting opportunity to finally unify our state government under conservative, Republican leadership.

Momentum is on our side! In 2021 we took back the Governor’s office and the House of Delegates. Since then, Republicans have passed some inspiring legislation to get government off the backs of Virginians by lowering taxes, cutting red tape, and elevating parents’ voices in our schools. However, these policies have been stonewalled by Democrats in the Senate.

I’m convinced that with your help we can achieve resounding victories tomorrow. To do this, we can’t treat this like any other election day - it’s going to take action.

We all know people who only come out to vote every four years – maybe that’s you. This year is different – we need every vote to save the Virginia we love. Call or text your friends and family and let them know that we can’t afford for them to sit on the sidelines this year, too much is at stake. We need them to come to the polls tomorrow.

If you’d like to take your engagement a step further, campaigns across the 6th District will be greeting voters at the polls to pass out information about our candidates. Click here to contact my team and we will connect you with volunteer opportunities!
Ben Cline Signature
Ben Cline

P.S. The campaign to hold the U.S. House and take back the Senate & White House is already underway. Chip in today to help our cause!
Paid for by Ben Cline for Congress, Inc.

Ben Cline

P.O. Box 1790, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
