🚨🚨 BORDER STATUS ALERT 🚨🚨 John, The number of illegal immigrants that have entered the United States since Joe Biden took office is now nearing 10 MILLION! NEVER before has our border been so unsecured and our national security more vulnerable! President Donald Trump has been the strongest president on border security our nation has ever had. So, the solution is clear: In order to get our border secured once again and stop the flow of drugs, crime, human trafficking, and even terrorists(!) into our country, we must put President Donald Trump back in the White House! »» SECURE THE BORDER → RE-ELECT PRES. TRUMP! The Committee to Defeat the President is the nation's leading anti-Joe Biden grassroots organization. We helped lead the charge to elect Pres. Trump in 2016, defended him once in office, and are now leading the charge to defeat Joe Biden and re-elect Pres. Trump in 2024. Your support today will go toward our efforts to put Pres. Trump back in the White House, where he can finally secure our borders. »» Joe Biden still has another year left to let millions more illegal immigrants into our country. This will only get worse if we do nothing. We must start working now to ensure victory for Pres. Trump in 2024 so we can secure our border and protect our country. If you want secure borders, please rush your support now to Stop Joe and help us re-elect Pres. Donald J. Trump! »» SECURE THE BORDER → RE-ELECT PRES. TRUMP! Thank you,  Ted Harvey, Chairman Committee to Defeat the President StopJoe.com
The Committee to Defeat the President (StopJoe.com) is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to stopping Joe Biden and (as they would say) "resisting" the Democrat Party's radical socialist agenda.
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