Friend --
Join an emergency zoom call tonight! (Monday Nov. 6) 9:00 pm. We'll
hear back from many who participated in Saturday's actions to stop the
genocide, and revive the intention of the Rabin/Arafat Oslo
One tap mobile :
? ? +16469313860,,86733422540#
This Friday we'll celebrate the birthday of the German "Poet of
Freedom," Friedrich Schiller. His ideas are urgently needed to uplift
the thinking of people who are anguished by the sadistic depravity of
the Biden Administration.? We can do better!? We must change the
United States now! There will be a live event in Manhattan from 7-10pm
this Friday, and the usual Zoom meeting at 8:00 pm featuring poetry
and music. RSVP only if you wish to attend in person.
Sare for Senate