Dear Friends and Neighbors, In addition to extremist spending bills passed by the Democrat majority during the 2023 legislative session, including squandering the multi-billion-dollar budget surplus funneling tax dollars toward social-engineering efforts and leftist special interest groups masquerading as non-profits, Democrats also passed massive new tax hikes. By wasting the entire budget surplus while simultaneously raising taxes, Democrats are further driving businesses and residents out of the once great State of Minnesota to more affordable states. As Democrat far-left policies continue to be implemented, the price Minnesotans are paying are even higher than what Republicans warned. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development recently released an actuarial study of the new paid leave program Democrats mandated onto businesses during the 2023 session. The report found the program will cost $630 million more than expected, requiring a tax rate 31% higher than Democrats promised. Democrat broken promises and Democrat out-of-control spending is resulting in little more than crushing hard-working Minnesotans! | School Board Elections This Week While many may focus on federal elections as the upcoming 2024 presidential election gets closer, the critical importance of local elections cannot be overstated. In fact, I’ve long argued local government such as city councils and school boards have a far greater impact on our day-to-day lives. Tomorrow, Tuesday November 7th, several school districts across Minnesota will be holding school board elections. In recent years, Democrats have successfully packed several school boards with far-left activists. Last month, the Osseo school board voted down a resolution to help get School Resource Officers back in schools following the restrictions Democrats placed on SROs during the 2023 session that resulted in them getting pulled from several schools throughout Minnesota. The three board members that killed the resolution were found to be associated with a far-left group called Local Progress, and signed onto a letter condemning law enforcement. | In Minnetonka where four school board seats are up for election, a slate of far-left activists endorsed by Education Minnesota union are running. A recent candidate forum put these candidates' extremist beliefs on full display as they advocated using public schools as a means to indoctrinate children on controversial social and political topics to enable the "ideal situation" as one candidate said, which is for kids to be able to have "tough conversations with their parents at home." Other candidates made similar comments in support of undermining parents and destroying any traditional family values students may have at home. The background of these candidates only causes more concern. One candidate is a major supporter and organizer for far-left Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty, and has repeatedly attacked police, calling them murderers. You can read more about the Education Minnesota union backed candidates here. | Education Minnesota union accuses parents and concerned citizens who have the audacity to challenge Education Minnesota endorsed candidates of doing exactly what Education Minnesota themselves are doing. Socialist Education Minnesota union is focused on non-academic priorities such as race, gender-confusion, and harmful social experiments while attacking opponents as "extremists" fighting a culture war. Grassroots, conservative candidates are simply seeking a return to basics focusing on academic excellence and parental control. Education Minnesota union hates this. If you are in a school district with a school board election tomorrow, I highly encourage you to research the candidates running, and show up to support candidates that share your values. | Thank you to Noah and leaders of the Current Events Club at Breck School for the invitation! It was a high honor joining the incredible group of young people discussing and answering questions important to them! | Rep. Novotny and I had a fun time recently visiting with families from the home schooling group FICHE (Fellowship in Christian Home Educators) during their tour of the MN Capitol! | In the midst of the battle for truth and innocent life, I'm excited my two newest signs arrived in my growing collection of rock-solid signs of truth! | Enjoying time and fantastic food with residents from across our great community at the Hanover Lions Pancake Breakfast! | Great time in Albertville with residents of our great community at the Knights of Columbus Respect Life Dinner! | Rep. Mekeland and I attending the Housing First MN with home builders from across Minnesota as we all continue working hard for housing affordability! | Great questions from multiple groups of STMA-West 6th graders during their recent visits to the MN Capitol! Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community! Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at Sen.Eric.Lucero@Senate.MN or by phone at 651-296-5655. Sincerely, Eric Lucero State Senator District 30 Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove | Capitol Address 95 University Avenue W. Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413 St. Paul, MN 55155 651-296-5655 | |