From Ruben Gallego for Arizona <[email protected]>
Subject Five guys
Date November 6, 2023 5:02 PM
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We’re trying to figure it out.

Trying to figure out what we can say to convince you to make your next/first contribution to Ruben Gallego’s campaign today.

Let’s try this. Recognize these names?

Steve Bannon
Roger Stone
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones
This one for sure — Donald Trump

Those are the five of the most extreme, most widely recognizable names in MAGA-world. Five guys who Kari Lake has bear-hugged. Five guys who have Kari Lake’s back.

And five reasons why we need you to support Ruben.

With their support Kari Lake is bigger than ever. Louder than ever. More well funded than ever.

She has a real chance at winning in Arizona and flipping the Senate. She came close in 2022 — losing her gubernatorial campaign by less than 1%.

We have to take her seriously. And we have to be ready.

Can you join them today? Contribute $ASK or whatever you can tonight, before we start the week. This is going to be one of the closest and most expensive races in the country and we need all hands on deck.

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We can’t afford to take our foot off the gas.

Not now. Not until we win.

Thank you,

Team Gallego

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