Citizens Climate Lobby
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CCLers - 

There is no chapter meeting this Saturday since people were at the Fall Conference this last weekend (see the recordings!).

CCL Meetup & Booktalk at Busboys & Poets
Join us at the Nov 15 meetup at Busboys & Poets for the book talk with CCL, CCAN, and Third Act. Author Lawrence MacDonald will be speaking about his book Am I Too Old to Save the Planet? (recently featured on Citizens Climate Radio). Hang out with us over good food & drink as we mingle with other climateers.


CCL Outreach on the Naional Mall
CCL DC Chapter will engage voters on the Lincoln Memorial steps. We will ask passersby to use a QR code to generate a call to their representative and leave a message in support for the Big Wires act. We will also educate about CCL and further actions if they are interested. 

Please sign up for a 2 hour volunteer slot 10-12 or 12 - 2 on Nov 11, 18, Dec 2, 9. We will provide clipboards, a banner and a few chairs - wear a CCL T-shirt if you can. We’ll have buttons. Email Greg Grass to sign up. 

Max & Linda
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