Here is your chance.
Brandon Presley for Mississippi

Brandon with supporters.

It's crunch time, John. Tomorrow is Election Day in Mississippi, and we're gearing up for one final push!

That’s right. This battle isn't over until every last poll shuts down tomorrow night. We've got less than 24 hours left, and we can still get more folks out to vote in Mississippi.

I can't stress this enough: every single vote counts.

At this very moment, the polls have us neck and neck with Tate Reeves, and the experts are calling this race a true nail-biter. When I say the victor might be decided by just a handful of votes, I'm dead serious. We can't afford any slip-ups.

So here's the deal: If we're going to come out on top tomorrow, we need to reach every voter we can. And if we're going to reach every voter we can, we have to hit our $50,000 goal to fuel our final GOTV push. Right now, we're $7,381 short of our goal. Can you spare a few bucks before the end of today to help me defeat Tate Reeves and restore power to the people of Mississippi?

Donate $1 Donate $10 Donate $25
Donate $50 Donate $100 Other

God bless,

Brandon Presley

Brandon Presley


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