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Monday, November 6th, 2023


The Great Tom DiLorenzo

Lew Rockwell

Bad Theology: Israel, the ‘Rapture,’ and the End Times

Tom Woods

Why ‘Rings of Power’ Is So Terrible, and Why It Doesn’t Matter

Bretigne Shaffer

Carbon Dioxide Does Not Cause Warming – No Gas Causes Warming

James T. Moodey

Book Adventures at eBay

John Leo Keenan

Israeli MoH Data Released in March 2023 Proves the Vaccines Are Killing People

Steve Kirsch

U.S. Officials: Ukraine May Have To Negotiate

John Leake

The Futility and Destructiveness of the Drug War

Jacob G. Hornberger

DEI and the Tyranny of College Administrators

Gib Kerr

Invasion of Gaza – Rothbard vs. Block

Kevin Duffy

Will the Internet as We Know It Disappear in the Next Year?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Ukraine Peace Talk Trial Balloon

Moon of Alabama

Political Theatre

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