We’re calling on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure that all health care workers, in addition to patients, receive the highest level of protection from coronavirus.

National Nurses United

We’re in the midst of a public health crisis.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading across the globe, and employers and government agencies must step up to protect our communities from this outbreak. 

As the largest union of registered nurses in the country, we are in a unique position to speak out about what is needed to protect patients, health care workers, and the wellbeing of the entire country. 

Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced guidelines for health care facilities in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. But yesterday, they walked some of those guidelines back.

We’re calling on the CDC to reverse these changes and ensure that all health care workers, in addition to patients, receive the highest level of protection.

Will you share our tweet calling on the CDC to reverse these changes? We need to increase pressure on them to keep health care workers and the public safe during this crisis.

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As registered nurses, we are on the frontline of this epidemic — and our fellow nurses are at risk of contracting the virus working in hospitals with infected patients day-after-day to protect others.

As nurses, we also see the bigger picture of what’s going on. This virus is another stark reminder of why we need Medicare for All. People who are exhibiting symptoms or who were exposed to the virus are being placed under mandatory isolation and quarantine – leaving uninsured and underinsured patients with massive medical bills.

The high costs of medical care and quarantine are not only leaving people in massive debt – they’re discouraging people from seeking medical care, which puts all of us at risk. 

All health care costs relating to the coronavirus should be covered, including testing and treatment. And, under Medicare for All, we’d all be safer.

Today, we must urge the CDC to do better and use every possible tool available to respond to this public health crisis – and in the months ahead we will continue to fight for the comprehensive health care reform we need.

Let’s fight this together,

National Nurses United

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