Iran's Oil Funds Genocide
by Lawrence Kadish • November 5, 2023 at 3:30 pm

Hamas and Hezbollah take their orders from the Iranian clerics who have never made any apologies for their repeated calls for the total and complete destruction of Israel. Pictured: Iran's "Supreme Leader" Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (right) greets Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on February 12, 2012. (Image source: via Getty Images)
The world may be currently focused on Gaza City but it's Tehran that is the heart of darkness.
Let there be no mistake.
Hamas and Hezbollah take their orders from the Iranian clerics who have never made any apologies for their repeated calls for the total and complete destruction of Israel. The fact that the Middle East was on the verge of a de facto peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia added urgency to the mullahs' green light for Hamas to launch their atrocities. They knew the resulting carnage would derail the peace process and remind the world that it is Iran that dictates what happens, when, how, and to whom in a Middle East they seek to dominate.