Why I’m calling for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Gaza.

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

We can’t wait any longer for a ceasefire.

Two weeks ago, I mourned the 1,000 Palestinian children killed by Israeli airstrikes.

Today, that number has more than tripled. And the number of innocent civilians killed in Israel and Gaza continues to climb. Just this week, Jabalya — one of Gaza’s largest refugee camps, was targeted and leveled by Israeli bombing, killing dozens and wounding hundreds of more Palestinian civilians.

We can’t let the Israeli government violate international law and commit heinous war crimes.

I will continue to call for an immediate ceasefire to save lives and facilitate the safe return of hostages, the evacuation of Americans — including families from Massachusetts — and the delivery of humanitarian aid.

Join me: sign our petition urging members of Congress to join this urgent demand so we can save as many lives as possible.


As a woman of faith, I see this plainly: saving civilian lives, including the Israeli and American hostages and the Palestinian families trapped in Gaza, must be the priority.

We are all God’s children. It is long past time to stop this cycle of violence and trauma and work toward a just and lasting peace in the region.

This horrific violence must end — ceasefire now.

Your members of Congress must hear from you on this important issue. Sign our petition now to demand a ceasefire to save lives and facilitate the safe return of hostages, the evacuation of Americans, and the delivery of humanitarian aid.


Yours in service,
