You can purchase another antlerless deer permit online starting Monday, November 6 at 9:30AM!
 Antlerless deer permits are still available for purchase for WMDs 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 29
Beginning Monday, November 6 at 9:30AM hunters will be able to purchase a second Extra Antlerless Deer Permit online. Hunters who purchased a lottery permit will be able to have three permits total (two Extra Permits, and one lottery permit).
What to expect:
The Department is using the same waiting room and queue system as September 19 when the first round of permits became available for purchase.
Starting at 9:30AM on November 6, users entering the purchase site will be entered into the queue. The queue system will release customers from the queue in the order they joined to ensure the purchase site can manage the number of active users.
Those entering the site prior to 9:30AM will be put in a virtual waiting room to manage site traffic. Those who are in the waiting room or are accessing the site at 9:30AM will be given a random number and entered into the queue to wait for their turn to purchase a permit. Entering the waiting room early does not give one an advantage over those who enter the waiting room later or are on the site at 9:30AM. Those entering the site after 9:30 AM will enter the queue in the order they arrive.
Anyone arriving after 9:30 AM will be placed at the end of the line.
If you do not see a green "Purchase Permit" button on this website page by 9:30AM on November 6, you need to refresh your screen or clear your cache. Permits will not be available to purchase from 8:30AM-9:29AM on November 6.
Be prepared and have the following information ready:
Name and Date of Birth (Note: If you misspelled your name or date of birth on your current hunting license, you must enter it the same way for the system to recognize you)
MOSES ID (optional but highly encouraged, can be found on current hunting license)
Preferred Wildlife Management Districts (WMDs). Find WMD maps at
- Credit card information
Which WMDs have permits available? As of November 1, the following WMDs have Antlerless Deer Permits available for purchase:
Number of Permits Available
How many permits may I purchase? Starting November 6, all hunters can purchase another extra antlerless deer permit.
If a hunter has already purchased an extra antlerless deer permit, this allows them to purchase a second extra antlerless deer permit.
If a hunter has already purchased an extra antlerless deer permit and purchased an antlerless deer permit through the lottery, this allows them to purchase a third antlerless deer permit.
Hunters do not need to fill a tag before they can purchase another antlerless deer permit.
Where can I purchase a permit? Online only.
How will proceeds from the antlerless deer permit fee be used? Antlerless deer permits are $12 (plus $2 agent fee). Proceeds from this permit will help fund the acquisition and management of deer wintering areas (DWAs), primarily in northern Maine.
Who can purchase a permit online? All hunters may purchase an antlerless deer permit online on a first come, first served basis.
I already have an Antlerless Deer Permit. Do I need to use that permit before purchasing another? No.
Do I need to fill my Antlerless Deer Permits in a certain order? No.
I purchased a permit, but do not know my permit number. Where can I find it? Please use the Purchased Permit Lookup. You should be ready to provide your antlerless deer permit number at time of registration.
Looking for a place to hunt in WMDs
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 29?
Consider hunting a Wildlife Management Area:
Alonzo H. Garcelon WMA - WMD 23 Caesar Pond WMA - WMD 22 Ducktrap River WMA - WMD 25 Earle R. Kelly WMA - WMD 22 Gene Letourneau (Frye Mountain) WMD - WMD 23 Green Point WMA - WMD 22 Hurds Pond WMA - WMD 23 James Dorso WMA - WMD 23 Jamies Pond WMA - WMD 22 Kennebec River Estuary WMA - WMD 22, 24, 25, and 29 Morgan Meadow WMA - WMD 21 Merrymeeting Bay WMA - WMD 22 R. Waldo Tyler (Weskeag Marsh) WMA - WMD 25 Scarborough Marsh WMA - WMD 24 and 29 Sherman Lake WMA - WMD 25 (not open to waterfowl hunting) Thurston WMA - WMD 21
Wildlife Management Areas may be in more than one Wildlife Management District (WMD), click here to view WMD borders.
Please label all game cameras with contact information. Treestands and blinds left overnight require a permit from the regional wildlife biologist.
Respect Maine's Private Landowners
Always be a good land user. Always ask permission before hunting on private property and learn what matters most to the landowner. Keep it clean, legal, and respectful. Don't forget to label all tree stands and game cameras with your contact information, and ask for permission before putting them on private property (game cameras require written permission).
It is up to us, today's hunters, to help maintain access for generations to come.