HEADLINES: Election Day 2023 Tuesday! | The Fight for Medicare for All | Barbara Lee, Pramila Jayapal & Ro Khanna | CalCare w/ Ash Kalra | End Medical Debt & Lower Drug Prices | & MORE!
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As atrocities are carried out in the Middle East and far right voices grow louder in Congress, it’s clear why progressives must unify now to grow our ranks and work for global peace and prosperity.
On Tuesday, we must defeat rightwing extremists at the ballot box and save abortion rights in states like Ohio and Virginia. And, we must start working now for 2024 to take back the House and elect progressives like Barbara Lee — the only candidate for the U.S. Senate in California to call for a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine.
Check out this latest LA Times article on why Barbara is the Peace Candidate in this race compared to her opponents Katie Porter and Adam Schiff.
Our Revolution stands with U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee, Cori Bush, Summer Lee and our other progressive allies in Congress who are calling for an end to the violence.
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The 2023 General Election is on Tuesday, and Our Revolution is mobilizing voters to the polls to elect progressive champions in cities and states nationwide!
Meet our candidates below, and be sure to get out to vote to help build local power and build progressive majorities that can make a direct impact in people’s lives.
Chip in to make sure we have the resources to pull off a massive voter turnout effort ahead of Tuesday. Every donation of $5 or $10 helps power critical groundwork, phone banks, texting, door knocks and more in these important down-ballot elections!
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Our Revolution has been blazing a path for progressive cities in 2023, from winning a progressive majority with Board President Megan Green in St. Louis and helping elect Mayor Brandon Johnson in Chicago. Now we have a chance to bolster progressive power in Pittsburgh with Sara Innamorato!
We backed Sara as she beat big money back in May to win the primary and on Tuesday, she’ll be on the ballot to become the next Allegheny County Executive!
If she wins, Sara will be part of a progressive trifecta in Pittsburgh that includes Mayor Ed Gainey and U.S. Rep Summer Lee, whom she ran alongside successfully for PA House back in 2018 with Our Revolution’s support.
As County Exec, Sara will lead the second-largest county in Pennsylvania and have the power to help protect abortion care, push for county-wide housing, and address human rights violations in the county jail.
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With Our Revolution’s slate of progressives, Democrats could win back power in Virginia — and maintain the last bastion of abortion rights in the South.
Nadarius Clark, Rozia Henson, Adele McClure, and Joshua Cole are all vying for key seats in the Virginia State House, while Jennifer Carroll Foy, Stella Pekarsky, and Lashrecse Aird could win races that block a Republican takeover of the State Senate. This is critical since Gov. Glenn Youngkin said he would sign any abortion ban the Virginia legislature sends to his desk.

We aren’t overlooking any race where a progressive can pick up power to use for the people. That’s why we’re backing Steve Descano for Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney and Parisa Dehghani-Tafti for Arlington County Commonwealth Attorney.
Our Revolution is going all out with our local chapters and activists on the ground to overcome insidious Republican power-taking and to turn out enough voters to defend our rights.
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Abortion is on the ballot in Ohio, and we have a chance to shut down this new rightwing playbook to attack our rights. Our Revolution has been organizing for months to make sure Issue 1 passes, and we preserve reproductive rights in the Buckeye State and beyond.
After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a small but loud group of deep-pocketed extremists took to the states, determined to gut abortion laws. But the resistance has been real.
Thanks to grassroots funding, armies of volunteers, and organizations like Our Revolution, we have a real shot at enshrining a woman’s right to abortion access in the Ohio constitution.
We have just a few days left to make sure Ohio and Virginia voters know what’s at stake and get to the polls on Tuesday. Please donate now to bring home a critical win for abortion rights!
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Our Revolution Twin Cities has a powerhouse slate of progressives in Minnesota — and we are working to get out the vote to make sure each of these champions wins re-election!
These candidates include Minneapolis City Council members Jeremiah Ellison (Ward 5), Elliot Payne (Ward 1), and Robin Wonsley (Ward 2). And, in St. Paul, we are backing City Council members Mitra Jalali (Ward 4) and Nelsie Yang (Ward 6).
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Also in Minnesota, Our Revolution members weighed in and we are endorsing an exciting slate of progressive champions to win a majority on the city council in Duluth!
We’re organizing to elect these three amazing women: Miranda Pacheco and Jenna Yeakle for City Council At-Large and Wendy Durrwachter for City Council District 1.
These candidates have a real shot at winning and building a strong progressive bloc of local power, and we can’t let an opportunity like this pass us by!
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As corporations broaden their dark money fundraising networks into city council and school board races, we need working-class champions ready to confront them head-on, everywhere. That’s why we’re endorsing this slate of progressive candidates in Washington!
Our slate includes Leah Perkel for Vancouver City Council, Charles Adkins for Everett School Board (Position 5), Tammy Morales for Seattle City Council (District 2), Teresa Mosqueda for King County Council (District 8), Jorge Baron King for King County Council (District 4).
Leah Perkel is an Our Revolution member and a former Bernie delegate. She has firsthand experience with medical debt resulting from our lousy private health insurance system, and she wants to be an agent of change to help create healthier people and communities.
We have just a few days to get out the vote in each of these elections. Pitch in now to fund our voter turnout operation and support our volunteer network!
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Our Revolution stands with Izola Shaw in her run for Rockville City Council At-Large and Martin Mitchell who is vying for Mayor of the City of Laurel.
OR Member Izola Shaw was chair of the Montgomery County Racial Equity and Social Justice Advisory Committee, helped found the County’s Racial Equity Network (MORE), and helped pass the Racial Equity and Social Justice Act.
She has worked with the County Executive on public works, policing, rent stabilization, and environmental protection through the Rockville City Academy.
Laurel City Councilmember Martin Mitchell was a 2020 Bernie delegate and a founding member of Maryland for Bernie Sanders. He has been a leader in the fight for rent stabilization, marijuana decriminalization, and collective bargaining for municipal employees.
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Our Revolution is endorsing the Ithaca Solidarity Slate in New York!
Jorge DeFendini (Ward 4) and Phoebe Brown (Ward 2) are both seeking re-election to the Ithaca Common Council, and Kayla Matos is a challenger who would grow our progressive bloc on the council.
These are the races that determine the direction of cities and help us build progressive power at the local level, where we can directly improve people’s lives.
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Jared Evans is running for re-election to a third term on the Indianapolis City Council — and Our Revolution is proud to have his back!
Jared has been a strong progressive ally in Indianapolis, fighting for higher wages, good jobs, and more for the blue-collar neighborhoods he serves in District 17.
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Juan Marcano is the proud son of Puerto Rican migrants and has been a voice for working-class people representing Ward 4 on the Aurora, Colorado City Council since 2019.
Now, Our Revolution is proud to endorse Juan to lead the city in a progressive direction as Mayor. We know he will champion education, affordable housing, and economic and social justice at the helm.
Donate today to support our massive GOTV efforts coast to coast ahead of Tuesday’s big elections!
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Our Revolution is endorsing Sheila Jackson Lee for Houston Mayor, who’s running against John Whitmire — a Democratic defector who sides with radical Republicans on voter suppression and racist policing policies.
U.S. Rep. Jackson Lee is a long-time member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and she’s a fighter for Medicare for All, the Raise the Wage Act, and the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
As the next Mayor, she’s committed to promoting policies to expand healthcare, create good jobs, increase affordable housing, promote safe and reliable public transportation, and protect the city from climate disasters.
She’s also been endorsed by SEIU Texas, the Communications Workers of America, and other key Our Revolution allies.
“Sheila is taking on far-right groups, corporate lobbyists, and establishment politicians — including billionaire Trump donors, the NRA, Republican anti-abortion zealots, and knee-jerk backers of Gov. Abbott’s autocratic political agenda,” Our Revolution Board Member and former TX Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower said.
“The fat cats are against her — but we are pushing hard for her, and there are many more of us than them. The key is turning out our voters, and we know how to do that!” Hightower added.
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Greater Worcester Our Revolution is supporting Robert Billota for City Council (District 2) in Worcester, MA.
Robert is running for this seat because he believes Worcester should be a place where everyone can build a prosperous future. He has served on the Worcester Human Rights Commission and is a member of the Worcester Affordable Housing Coalition.
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Our Revolution Ohio is proudly endorsing Andrej Rotter for Upper Arlington City Council to give back to the community he says has given him so much.
Andrej and his family were political refugees from Czechoslovakia, and he is a retired scientist, teacher, and mentor. He is committed to environmental sustainability, fighting climate change, and economic security.
Other progressives on the ballot in Ohio include:
- Michael Hardy for Cleveland City Council
- Adrienne Hood for Columbus City Council
- Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney for Cincinnati City Council
- Kimberly Mann for Fairview Park City Council
- Trevor Elkins for Newburgh Heights Mayor
- Genevieve Flieger for North Ridgeville City Council
- Marcus Bedinger for Dayton City Commission
- Emily Cole, Greg Betts, and Cynthia Vermillion for Hilliard City Council
Donate today to Our Revolution and support the phone banking, texting, door-knocking and our grassroots organizing to GET OUT THE VOTE by Tuesday in these critical down-ballot races!
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As we prepare for a massive GOTV push for Tuesday’s elections, we must also keep an eye to our work for 2024.
Our Revolution is staffing up our organizing teams around the country now to make sure we do our part to keep Trump and the far right out of office, win back the House, and elect progressive leaders like Barbara Lee to join Bernie Sanders in the Senate.
Barbara is the most progressive candidate in the race for the U.S. Senate seat in California. Not only has she been on the forefront for peace - casting the lone vote against the War in Afghanistan - but she has been a trailblazer for climate, education, and of course, Medicare for All.

Barbara Lee was an original cosponsor of Medicare for All and she was the first to introduce universal single-payer healthcare in the California Legislature.
Last week, she joined fellow U.S. Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Ro Khanna, and CA Assemblyman Ash Kalra at Our Revolution’s Healthcare for All Town Hall, where thousands tuned in to help chart a path for healthcare justice on every front — from ending medical debt to guaranteeing healthcare as a human right in California and nationwide.

Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal emphasized the importance of electing “more true universal healthcare champions to the Senate just like my friend Barbara Lee.”
“She’s someone who will build the coalitions we need and do the organizing on the inside in the Senate to get more senators to recognize what we all know: the healthcare system is broken and we need Medicare for All,” Jayapal said.
“Together, we can finally give Americans what they deserve: universal comprehensive healthcare that prioritizes people not profits — with everybody in and nobody out,” she added. “I’m thrilled about Barbara Lee running and that Our Revolution is doing the organizing on the ground to help her win.”
Support Our Revolution’s organizing work to elect champions like Barbara in 2024 to advance the fight for healthcare justice and other progressive issue priorities!

Rep. Ro Khanna served as a campaign co-chair for Bernie Sanders’ 2020 run for President, and now he’s chairing Barbara Lee’s campaign for Senate.
He said she’s well-positioned in the race and much-needed in the seat because she has been a fearless trailblazer - not only on Medicare for All, but also on foreign policy, which sets her apart from her opponents.
“She was for Medicare for All and eliminating medical debt before anyone, and she’s been the only person who opposed the war in Afghanistan expanding,” Ro said.
“When I used to say that 2 months ago, you know that’s great, but now we NEED her voice,” he said. “She’s the only person talking clearly and loudly about the Palestinians also who are being killed in Gaza. She’s condemned the brutal Hamas attacks, but she’s also calling to end the cycle of violence.”
“This is the time we need a candidate who is going to caution against another expanded war, and a candidate who’s going to stand up for Medicare for All,” Ro stated.

California Assemblyman Ash Kalra also joined the conversation - laying out the path passing his bill for CalCare single-payer healthcare, which was first authored by Barbara Lee.
“The bottom line is: CalCare is how we can get the greedy insurance companies out of our healthcare system — the same doctors, nurses, providers, they’re just funded through one source,” Ash explained. “Small businesses and individuals are getting ripped off.”
“Even with the most expensive healthcare system in the world, we have people dying and medical debt is the number one cause of bankruptcy for families in our state,” he said. “With our movement and a senator like Barbara Lee, we can get it done. We can’t stop, lives depend on it, so thank you Our Revolution for being the wind behind our sails to continue to push us.”

Barbara Lee has also joined progressive leaders like U.S. Reps. Cori Bush, Ayanna Pressley, and Mark Pocan, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, and others on Our Revolution Live Town Halls focusing on building a World Beyond Fossil Fuels, ending backyard drilling in California, and more.
“The Senate needs Barbara Lee,” said Rep. Pocan. “If you want to transform the Senate, make it more progressive, and give Bernie a real partner in the Senate, we need to elect Barbara Lee.”

Our Revolution organizers and progressive delegates will be attending the 2023 California Democratic Party State Endorsing Convention the weekend of Nov. 17th in Sacramento to show our support for Barbara Lee!
We want to make sure Democratic activists and party leaders are ready to stand with Barbara and endorse the most progressive candidate in the race for the U.S. Senate seat in California!
For more about Barbara and to volunteer with Our Revolution’s organizing team, please visit our Progressives for Barbara Lee website and sign up today!
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VICTORY! Congratulations to United Auto Workers who won tentative agreements with the BIG 3 this week after months of hardfought negotiations and strikes.
Our Revolution members joined workers on picket lines coast to coast — from Maryland to Michigan to West Virginia and beyond.
We’ve been canvassing dealerships and distributing leaflets in our community about the UAW’s Stand-Up Strike and how Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis tried to avoid settling fair contracts with 150,000 workers after making $250 Billion in profits.
Strikes work, join a union! UAW has proven that when workers organize, they can win and defeat some of the most powerful corporations on earth. This is why our working class progressive movement stands with the burgeoning unionization efforts across the country.
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Barn Raiser featured Vermont Lt. Gov. Dave Zuckerman, who Our Revolution has supported in his successful runs for office over the years, in their latest issue.
The piece dives into Zuckerman’s success as a Vermont Progressive Party candidate. Instead of ending up as a 3rd party “spoiler” in the general election, he has cleared the field for victorious one-on-one races against a series of Republican opponents.
Zuckerman offers his thoughts on Bernie’s influence locally, book banning in other states, how to reach white working class voters, and the virtues of being a working farmer. Read more here!
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Join Our Revolution Board Member and progressive rabble rouser Jim Hightower, who will discuss democratic populism and the fight for social justice and structural change in this age of political division at a Public Affairs Forum in Austin, Texas next week!
The event will take place from 12:30 to 1:30pm Sunday, Nov. 12th, at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin.
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Folks around the country are sharing their stories of Medical Debt to raise a groundswell of demand for debt cancellation and sane healthcare policies.
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You can help elect Barbara Lee to the Senate from anywhere in the country — making calls, sharing on social media, and more. If you're in California, you can help by knocking on doors or reaching out to friends - even hosting or attending a house party!
We invite you to join Our Revolution’s Progressives for Barbara Lee's organizing team. Let's make this a people-powered campaign and send Barbara Lee to the Senate.
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From boots on the ground to the halls of Congress — we are building an organized progressive movement at every level of government. If you’re already a member of Our Revolution, THANK YOU! If you’re not yet an official member, please consider signing up for a recurring monthly donation today!
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