Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Team —

Every community deserves safety and peace of mind. But when guns fall into the wrong hands, it leaves our families and the people and places we love at risk for senseless violence.

Attorney General Kris Mayes recently announced that she’s exploring the possibility of introducing red-flag laws to be passed in the legislature, which would allow law enforcement to remove guns from anyone they believe in a danger to our communities.

Team — We have to ask, do you support red-flag laws in Arizona?


More than 20 states across the nation have red-flag laws or extreme risk protection orders on the books. These laws are designed to ensure that firearms are in the hands of responsible gun owners, and not anyone who is seeking to harm schools and other public spaces.

Commonsense solutions like this shouldn’t be partisan, folks — we can and should all agree that people who pose a risk to our communities shouldn’t have access to deadly weapons.

We need your opinion — Do you support red-flag laws?


— Team ADP