NYC is not safe for Jews. This is kristallancht 2023.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Jewish Woman’s Store Attacked By Jew-hating Hamas Terrorists/Supporters
A Jewish woman’s store in NYC was attacked by a mob of Jew-hating Hamas terrorists because she hung posters of Israeli hostages in the store window. The Jewish woman, who had displayed posters of Jewish captives held in Gaza by Islamic terrorists ...

“Palestinian Asylum Seeker” Under Arrest For Planning a Bomb Attack Against Jews in the U.S.
But islamophobia is the problem.

The 20-year-old Palestinian asylum seeker Sohaib Abuayyash has been arrested by U.S. police for planning a bomb attack against Jews in the U.S. Apart from the terror charges, Mr Abuayyash will also be taken to ...

MUST LISTEN Pamela Geller on Joe Hoft Radio Show: The Real Story on Israel, Islamic Jew Hatred, Jihad, Hamas Atrocities
Joe Hoft of Gateway Pundit had me on his radio show today to discuss the war against Israel, Islamic Jew hatred, the invasion on our border and the crisis at America's colleges and universities.

Listen to today's episode of The Joe Hoft Show. ...

Iran Proxy Hezb’Allah THREATENS The United States: “The United States That Must Pay the Price.”
Iranian proxy Hezbollah (Party of Allah)  threatens The United States.. “We are ready for your fleets with which you threaten us..We have made ‘preparations' for the American ships, and we ask America to remember their defeats in Afghanistan, ...

Nazi Collaborator George Soros Behind Bid to Remove Trump from Ballot in Key State
While lawfare has continued against the president through the perceived political persecutions brought on by numerous indictments across the nation, radical activists have hardly remained sideline spectators. Instead, they’ve engaged in legal ...

Five Nordic Countries Agree to Collaborate on Shared Deportation Flights To Expel Migrants
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden trying to put the toothpaste back in tube.

Five Nordic Nations Agree to Collaborate on Shared Deportation Flights

By: Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, 2 Nov:

A group of northern European nations ...

NO: Blinken Arrives, Pressuring Netanyahu for Ceasefire
Make no mistake, there is nothing humanitarian in a ceasefire that would save Hamas.

A ceasefire (hudna in Islam– a deception, a cessation of hostilities during jihad, a retreat followed by regrouping and rearming, which permits an attack on ...

“Peace Partner” Fatah Calls for Terror in Judea and Samaria, “Call Out Allahu Akbar From the Rooftops,” Brags of its Own Participation In Hamas Atrocities
The moderates that everyone keeps pointing to for peace.

Fatah calls for terror in the West Bank – “Call out Allahu Akbar from the rooftops”

By: Nan Jacques Zilberdik |PMW, Nov 3, 2023:

Abbas’ Fatah:

“Call out Allahu ...

German Vice-Chancellor Declares Unequivocal Support for Israel
As international support for Israel collapses and condemnations against her continue to escalate, Germany unequivocally declaring its “historical responsibility to Israel” was unexpected.

Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck's speech on Israel is ...

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