
It’s an honor to serve you in the U.S. House of Representatives. On day one, I promised to represent you with transparency, authenticity, and integrity, and I’m committed to upholding that promise. Every week, I’ll be sending “Lori’s Letter” to keep you updated on my work. If you know someone who would like to receive my regular updates, please have them visit this link to sign up today!


Continue reading this week’s letter to learn more about funding I secured for local water infrastructure projects, a bill I supported to send Israel military assistance, and more.




On Monday, I announced my support for the bipartisan Secure Rural Schools Reauthorization Act. First introduced in 2000, the Secure Rural Schools and Self-Determination Program helps fund schools, law enforcement, and wildfire prevention in counties with large swaths of tax-exempt federal forestlands.


Simply put, the program provides funding for vital resources and services for Oregonians living in rural areas containing a lot of federal land that is exempt from property taxes. In 2023, counties in the 5th District received a combined total of nearly $6 million from the program. That’s why I’ll continue working to support this effort to invest in our rural communities.


Learn more by visiting my website:




I was proud to vote in favor of providing Israel with much-needed emergency military assistance this week. The Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act includes $14.3 billion for Israel to fortify the Iron Dome and develop critical munitions. Some of this funding will also be used to replenish U.S. defense equipment and protect and evacuate U.S. citizens. Importantly, the bill requires the Biden administration to provide written reports to Congress detailing how funding is being used to ensure accountability.


It’s been almost a month since Hamas terrorists unleashed violence on Israel, which has now tragically resulted in thousands of injuries and deaths. As our closest ally in the Middle East, the United States must continue to do everything we can to support Israel and its right to self defense.




As a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Highways and Transit Subcommittee, I was able to successfully secure language to prevent federal funding for tolling in the transportation appropriations bill! The language included, which would prevent federal funds from being used to carry out tolling projects along I-5 and I-205 in Oregon, is a key component of my No Tolls on Oregon Roads Act. 


The ‘no to tolls’ message that has been repeated and echoed loudly and clearly by Oregonians has brought Republicans and Democrats together. Now that I’ve successfully secured language prohibiting federal funds from being used for tolling on I-5 and I-205 in Oregon, I hope that my colleagues in the Oregon delegation will listen to that bipartisan message, come together, and join me in supporting this bill, which is now scheduled for consideration next week.




Earlier this week, I joined a bipartisan and bicameral group of my colleagues to introduce the Immigration Court Efficiency and Children’s Court Act. The proposal would establish a Children’s Court to strengthen due process for vulnerable children and combat the immigration court backlog. 


It’s no secret that our immigration system is riddled with serious flaws, including in the immigration court process. Unfortunately, the current process can result in children being left alone to fend for themselves. Although a number of problems are contributing to this crisis, we are a compassionate nation – and we should make needed improvements to ensure vulnerable children aren’t abandoned in our immigration court system. I’m honored to join this bipartisan effort to create a better and safer court process for unaccompanied children.




Today, the House passed the Department of Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which included $3.75 million in water infrastructure investments for communities in the 5th District.


Reinvesting Oregonians’ hard-earned tax dollars back into our state is one of my top priorities. In this interior appropriations bill, I successfully secured much-needed funding for water infrastructure projects across the district – projects that will benefit Oregon families for generations to come. These investments are essential to protect public health, boost economic development, and maintain a clean environment. As the appropriations process unfolds, I’ll keep pushing to get this critical funding signed into law.


Learn more about the projects:




I enjoyed meeting with Clackamas County Sheriff Angela Brandenburg to learn more about her public safety priorities for the county. I'll continue doing my part to support local law enforcement at the federal level!


Thank you for reading my weekly newsletter. It's an honor to be your voice in the U.S. House of Representatives. Your thoughts, concerns, and comments are very important to me. Always feel free to get in touch by calling (202) 225-5711 or by visiting my website at



Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer

Washington, D.C. Office

1722 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone: (202) 225-5711

Oregon City Office

621 High Street 
Oregon City, OR 97045

Phone: (503) 387-8651

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Suite D

Redmond, OR 97756

Phone: (541) 604-31410

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