Team —
As a representative, Pat takes pride in fighting for the issues that matter most to the Hudson Valley. That’s why we often like to reach out and listen to what you have to say.
Will you let Pat and our team know what issues are most important to you by taking our priorities survey today?
Pat ran for Congress because he wanted to help fix our broken democracy. And part of what makes our democracy broken is that too many people in power no longer listen to the voices of those who put them there.
That’s why Pat’s been traveling around the Hudson Valley to connect with folks about the issues that keep them up at night.
He hears from women who are concerned that far-right politicians are stripping away their rights and freedoms. He listens to stories from people who have tragically lost a loved one to gun violence. And he recognizes that too many families across the Hudson Valley are struggling to make ends meet.
Pat takes these stories and concerns seriously — and more importantly, he takes action to address them head on.
We would love it if you could take a minute or two to share your top concerns and priorities with our team.
Thanks for taking the time to let Pat know what’s on your mind — he deeply cares about what matters to you and your family.
— Team Pat Ryan

Pat Ryan defied pundits and pollsters twice in 2022, winning in a high-profile special election in August and becoming the only Democrat to win a toss-up race in New York.
As a West Point graduate, Pat lives and serves the Hudson Valley with duty and honor. Pat has a proven record of standing up for his country and community and is unequivocal in his fight to defend our rights and freedoms. Chip in to help Pat defend this toss-up seat!