Dear Friend,
The first buses are about to hit
the road from the furthest away cities to Washington, D.C., driving
through the night for tomorrow's National March to Free Palestine. This
movement is going to continue to grow ever stronger with your
As the genocidal bombing of Gaza
continues, financed by U.S. tax dollars, the march will be a massive
display of solidarity with the Palestinian people. We fully expect it
to be the largest such action in U.S. history, and, as we go by the
White House, we will send the unmistakable message that the Biden
administration's criminal policy does not speak for us.
The most urgent need right now
is to help the march meet its massive expenses, which you can do
by making a tax-deductible donation. We are asking especially those
who can't come in person tomorrow to contribute in this way and help
cover the mounting cost of buses, stage and sound, literature, and so
much more.
This historic march has been
powered by volunteers and activists from a wide variety of
organizations in every town and city, who have made phone calls to
fill buses, constructed banners and signs, and done enormous outreach
to spread the word. But certain things just can't be attained for
The march will send a clear and united message to the whole
world: we stand with Palestine. We will do our part, from inside the
Empire that is funding this genocide, to make it stop. To help the
movement grow stronger, please make an urgently needed donation here.
The donation is tax-deductible, so every dollar you give to
the movement is a dollar you keep away from the war-makers in
Thank you again for all your hard
work to get out the message of this movement. See you
In struggle,

Brian Becker Executive Director, ANSWER Coalition