Fellow Patriot,

Sheriff Joe and I recently had oral arguments in front of the Honorable Judge Royce C. Lamberth in the U.S. District of Columbia, and I have good news and bad news...

Pardoned sheriff Joe Arpaio comes at journalist with $300 million lawsuit over "convicted felon" labeling

The good news is that the Judge agrees that the Huffington Post and Rolling Stone and other "fake news" published false statements that harmed my client, Sheriff Joe.

Remember... these media hacks defamed Sheriff Joe as "convicted felon" who served prison time!

What total B.S.!

The bad news is that the Judge left the door open for Huffington Post and Rolling Stone and the other "fake news" defendants to dismiss the case forever!

And believe me, their high priced lawyers are working hard to do just that!

That's why Sheriff Joe and I urgently need your help today to keep fighting this battle!

I hope you'll read my e-mail below to see why this American hero needs your help today.

Or you can make sure we have the funds we need to defend Sheriff Joe and bring these failing news outlets to their knees by sending your most generous tax deductible gift in any amount today.

Yours in Freedom and Liberty,

Larry headshot

Larry Klayman, Esq.


Founder, Chairman and General Counsel
Freedom Watch, Inc.

From: Larry Klayman [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 01:31 PM
To: Fellow Patriot
Subject: Fellow Patriot, Sheriff Joe urgently needs your help before it's too late!

Freedom Watch logo

Fellow Patriot,

Left wing socialists at the New York Times and other "fake news" are trying to destroy Sheriff Joe by defaming him as a...

..."convicted felon" who served prison time!

Arpaio cartoon
The New York Times and other "fake news" are defaming my good friend and client, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, as a "convicted felon" who served prison time! Please... will you help him fight back right now?

Now this might be our last time to help "America's Toughest Sheriff" fight back!

The New York Times and Other "Fake News" Are Trying to Destroy Sheriff Joe Arpaio! Will You Help "America's Toughest Sheriff" Fight Back Before it's Too Late?

You read that right!

The same leftist hacks who worked 24/7 with Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat hacks in Congress to impeach and remove President Trump (and are still working to defeat him this November!), are doing everything in their power to destroy my good friend Sheriff Joe!

That's why I'm hoping and praying that you'll join me - America's Toughest Prosecutor - in my efforts to help Joe - America's Toughest Sheriff - fight back...

...before the left and "fake news" finally destroy him!

In fact, Freedom Watch and Sheriff Joe has filed a $300 million dollar lawsuit against Huffington Post, Rolling Stone and the New York Times, and other "Fake News" for malicious defamation.

You read that right - $300 million!

Shortly after, the judge dismissed it because he said we weren't specific enough in alleging actual malice.

I'm sure you saw how Huffington Post, Rolling Stone and the New York Times, and other "fake news" took a victory lap afterwards...

BUT, here's what they didn't tell you...

The judge said that the comments made by Huffington Post and Rollling Stone were not only untruthful and false but also very harmful to Sheriff Joe, AND we have a potentially strong case.

We just need to provide more evidence.

I immediately said:

"Your honor, if you feel that way, we'll be more than happy to amend the complaint to include more evidence than you can throw a stick at."

Joe Arpaio speaking to press Larry in court

So I want you to be one of the first patriots to know that I recently re-filed the lawsuit and sent it back to the Judge like a hot potato!

Now we're waiting for the leftist Fake News media to respond!

While we wait, I urgently need your help to make sure we can bring these failing news outlets to their knees before they destroy my good friend and client, Sheriff Joe.

Chris Cuomo, Huffington Post and Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic and Other "Fake News" are Attacking Sheriff Joe as a "Convicted Felon" and are Saying He Served Jail Time!

Can you believe that nonsense?

Sheriff Arpaio was NEVER convicted of a felony.

And you can be darn sure he has never served prison time!

Joe and Trump

These leftist hacks are defaming and destroying him for three reasons:

  1. Sheriff Joe supports strong immigration policies and defending our borders
  2. Sheriff Joe supports President Trump
  3. President Trump supports him.
Joe and Trump

Simply put...

These leftist "fake news" hacks are trying to destroy Sheriff Joe just like they're trying to destroy President Trump!

Fellow Patriot, you know better than anyone that Sheriff Joe is used to being attacked by the left.

After all, he was one of the first patriots to sound the alarm about illegals pouring over our border.

Then, in 2017, Sheriff Arpaio began detaining people who were illegally crossing our borders.

Big surprise, a hack Obama judge, who had told his wife that he wanted to destroy the sheriff, (who later was heard admitting this in a Phoenix restaurant) ordered Arpaio to stop. But Joe insisted he was simply enforcing the law.

That's when the court found Arpaio in contempt.

Fortunately, President Trump pardoned Joe almost immediately from the misdemeanor he was found guilty of...

...but "fake news" continued to push the lie that Sheriff Joe was a convicted felon.

But as Sheriff Joe said to me as we discussed how to fight back...

Joe pointing
"calling me a convicted felon is unacceptable to my legacy."

I couldn't agree more!

After all, the only "crime" Sheriff Joe was found guilty, however wrong, of is a lowly misdemeanor for contempt of court.

No worse than a charge for a dog bite!

But that hasn't stopped "fake news" from attacking and destroying this American hero.

That's why Freedom Watch and Sheriff Joe have filed our $300 million dollar defamation lawsuit against the leftist Huffington Post, Rolling Stone and the New York Times, and soon the Arizona Republic and other "Fake News"...

...and why we urgently need your help to fight back!

Joe Arpaio article

And that's exactly what we're doing by hitting them where it hurts the most:

Their shrinking bank accounts!

But we can't do this without your help.

That's why I'm hoping and praying - for Sheriff Joe's sake - that you'll send your urgently needed gift in any amount right now.

Your Urgent Gift Will Help Freedom Watch Defend Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Prosecute the Democrats Behind Impeachment, and Much More!

Fellow Patriot, your generous gift is so important because our current lawsuit on Sheriff Joe's behalf in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Civil Action No. 1:18-cv-02387) is in motion as you read this.

But filing this lawsuit isn't cheap.

After all, the New York Times, and the other "fake news" outlets have a legion of well-paid lawyers ready to go toe-to-toe with me in court.

Your gift will make sure we have the funds for:

  • Filing fees
  • Depositions
  • Court transcripts

And much more!

This is like David vs Goliath and your donation will help make sure Sheriff Joe and Freedom Watch have the "stones" we need to arm our slingshot.

Even better, your gift today will also help make sure Freedom Watch can continue to fund our other hard-hitting lawsuits.

For instance, Freedom Watch is currently the only organization fighting to prosecute the Democrats behind President Trump's impeachment.

Recently, we became the first and only group to indict the man behind the "RUSSIAN COLLUSION" witch hunt:

Special Investigator Mueller!


With your continued support, Freedom Watch will "try and fry" him in our Citizen Grand Juries and then seek to have him peacefully and legally arrested upon orders by the president and U.S. Marshal's Service.

Even better, Freedom Watch plans on indicting and prosecuting Joe Biden, and his equally sleazy son, for their alleged crimes in connection with Ukraine!

Last but not least, in my private capacity I'm currently protecting a brave Texas Ranger named Danny Shaw who was shot by Mexican police (from across the border) when he was attempting to arrest a drug cartel member on US soil!

You read that right - shot by Mexican police while this hero was on American soil!

Texas Trooper Before Shooting Texas Trooper After Shooting
Texas Trooper article

Fellow Patriot, you know that our government - led by the Democrats in the House - won't do anything to fight for this hero.

After all, they won't even do anything to defend our border!

Now I'm fighting in my private capacity for justice for this injured hero and his equally patriotic wife.

Here's the bottom line, Fellow Patriot:

Freedom Watch simply can't fight for justice alone.

Your gift won't just help protect Sheriff Joe...

You'll help bring these rabid leftist at Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic and the New York Times, and other failing news outlets to their knees and their mission to destroy all who disagree with them.

No matter what amount you send today, please remember...

Sheriff Joe is under attack and this may be our last chance to STOP "fake news" from destroying him.

I stand with this American hero.

I hope you're standing right there with us.

Yours in Freedom and Liberty,

Larry headshot

Larry Klayman, Esq.


Founder, Chairman and General Counsel
Freedom Watch, Inc.

2020 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Suite 345
Washington, DC 20006

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