Dear John,


Early voting is underway, and this is our reminder for you, as a fellow education justice advocate, to use your voice and vote. This Sunday, November 5, marks the end of early voting, and the general election is on Tuesday, November 7. Here are resources to find your poll site, voter registration, and check the status of your absentee ballot.


We're endorsing both ballot propositions before voters in New York State this year. Please vote YES for both and encourage others in your community to do the same.


By voting YES for Proposition 1, we secure equal educational opportunities for school districts of New York State’s smaller cities, rectifying a longstanding injustice. This proposition would allow these school districts to function under the same regulations as suburban and rural districts, ensuring proper funding levels for 200,000 students statewide. Voting YES on Proposition 1 would be a benefit not just for these small cities themselves, but also the surrounding towns and suburbs, ensuring a shift towards more equitable opportunities for all New York students.


By voting YES for Proposition 2, we extend the sewer debt exclusion to January 1, 2034, which could help provide essential infrastructure improvements in areas of the state that have experienced environmental challenges or where economic disparities have hindered access to proper sewage facilities. Access to proper sewage treatment and disposal systems is crucial for public health and environmental quality, so vote YES for Proposition 2.


Your last chance to VOTE is election day, November 7. VOTE today or on Tuesday and flip your ballot to vote YES on Prop 1 and 2.


In solidarity and with hope!


Jasmine Gripper

Executive Director