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In case you missed it – Last week, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) launched its new 20 for 2020 ([link removed]) policy agenda, which outlines a path forward for Congress to act now on some of the nation’s most pressing issues and top priorities for Americans.
This week, the House passed the New Dem-endorsed Yes in My Back Yard (YIMBY) Act ([link removed]-) , led by Housing Task Force ([link removed]) Co-Chair Denny Heck (WA-10), to help address the shortages. The bipartisan legislation will help address burdensome restrictions on land use, one of the root causes of our nation’s housing shortfall, identified in the NDC Housing Task Force’s Missing Millions of Homes ([link removed]) report.
The President signed into law the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, which provides $8.3 billion in new funding to establish a robust response to this public health emergency. The legislation includes critical funding for state and local health agencies, development of vaccine and treatment options, and economic support for affected small businesses.
More on what Members have been up to below.
The House Passed NDC-Endorsed Housing Legislation ([link removed]-)
The House passed NDC Housing Task Force Co-Chair Denny Heck’s (WA-10) YIMBY Act, which was endorsed by the full Coalition. The YIMBY Act aims to address housing affordability by increasing transparency of local zoning and land use policies, which can present barriers to affordable and market-rate housing construction.
ICYMI: News Coverage of New Dem 20 for 2020 Policy Agenda ([link removed])
Last week, the NDC launched its 20 for 2020 ([link removed]) agenda, a culmination of the NDC’s priorities intended to serve as a framework for the Coalition’s legislative agenda for the remainder of the 116^th Congress. Read the one pager ([link removed]) , the full priorities document ([link removed]-) , and watch the press conference ([link removed]) . Read more in POLITICO ([link removed]) , MeriTalk ([link removed]) , and The Well News
([link removed]) .
[link removed]
NDC Leadership Members Launch 20 for 2020 Policy Agenda
(Video from ([link removed]) )
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Bill Action
Axne’s Legislation to Protect American Agriculture Signed into Law ([link removed])
Rep. Cindy Axne’s (IA-03) Protecting America’s Food and Agriculture Act was signed into law by President Trump. The bill aims to protect the nation’s pork supply from the threat of deadly African Swine Fever through expanded agricultural inspections by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Craig’s Legislation to Save Taxpayer Dollars Signed into Law ([link removed])
Rep. Angie Craig’s (MN-02) bipartisan Payment Integrity Information Act was signed into law by President Trump. The bill offers commonsense reforms to the government’s oversight of taxpayer dollars, reducing the likelihood of improper payments and saving estimated billions of taxpayer dollars.
Bill Introductions
Schneider Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Address Medical Device Shortages ([link removed])
Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10) introduced bipartisan legislation to address the timely threat of medical device shortages of, a threat that is currently growing as many medical device manufacturers have facilities in China, where operations have been affected by the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19). The bill would grant the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) authority to import medical devices in case of a shortage, require manufacturers to report an expected shortage of a critical or life-saving medical device, and require the FDA to post online a list of medical devices currently in shortage.
Rice Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Address Direct Support Professional Shortage ([link removed])
NDC Leadership Member Rep. Kathleen Rice (NY-04) introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act to address the Direct Support Professional (DSP) shortage in the workforce. DSPs provide critical support to individuals who experience disabilities, assisting with communication, providing on-the-job coaching, and helping with daily living needs.
Houlahan Introduces Bipartisan Literacy Bill ([link removed])
NDC Freshman Leadership Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06) introduced the bipartisan Reading Early and Addressing Dyslexia (READ) Act to kick off National Education Month. The READ Act establishes a grant program that will allow states to better support their teachers instructing students on how to read.
Plaskett Introduces Legislation to Promote Hiring of Guard and Reserve Servicemembers ([link removed])
Rep. Stacey Plaskett (VI-AL) introduced legislation to incentivize small businesses to hire National Guard and Ready Reserve members through a tax credit. The bill also makes permanent the provisions of the credit that apply to the hiring of qualified members of the Ready Reserve and National Guard.
Pappas Introduces Legislation to Improve Access to Career and Employment Services ([link removed])
Rep. Chris Pappas (NH-01) introduced the American Job Centers Family Accessibility Act to create a child care program at American Job Centers across the country, easing American families’ ability to access their vast array of career and employment services.
Shalala: Drop the Politics and Fight the Coronavirus via The New York Times ([link removed])
Rep. Donna Shalala (FL-27) penned an op-ed in The New York Times on the pressing need for politicians and government officials stop politicizing the coronavirus, put aside partisan politics, and work together with public health experts to combat the spread and instill confidence in the American people. She also highlighted the importance of rebuilding the nation’s public health infrastructure, developing emergency preparedness plans for virus outbreaks, and coordinating with state and local governments, emergency medical workers, and laboratories across the nation: “Now is not the time for political gamesmanship. The American people want politicians in Washington to stop bickering, tone down the talk, and pull together to save lives. We might have different opinions on the effectiveness of the coronavirus response so far, but ultimately, our views are not the ones that matter. The public health experts who are leading this response are the voices we need in this crisis.”
Norcross: Affordable Child Care a Must for N.J.’s Student Parents via ([link removed])
Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ-01) penned an op-ed in on the need for student-parents to have access to quality, affordable child care, highlighting the rising costs of care and the declining rates of campus child care facilities on community colleges and four-year institutions across the nation: “We must level the playing field. This year, I’ll fight in Congress ([link removed]) for the futures of our children and grandchildren. I’m focused on helping the hard-working student-parents who, much like my younger self, are struggling to find quality child care options.”
ICYMI: Rep. Xochitl Torres-Small named to the House Agriculture Committee ([link removed])
The Democratic Steering and Policy Committee announced late last week the placement of Rep. Xochitl Torres Small of New Mexico to the House Agriculture Committee.
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