New case: Regulatory agency’s in-house ‘court’ slaps broker with huge fine and lifetime ban

Frank Black, the founder of Southeast Investments, was stunned when the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) dragged him before an in-house “court” and accused him of not visiting his brokers’ remote offices. Frank didn’t have a chance to defend himself because FINRA’s in-house tribunal doesn’t operate like a real court.

Now slapped with a $243,000 fine and a permanent ban from the financial industry, Frank is suing.

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A muralist fights for free expression and economic liberty in Texas

Brad Smith noticed something after he painted murals in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas: Wherever his murals were painted, economic development soon followed. Brad works directly with business owners—like someone opening a new bar in an old warehouse—to create original, colorful murals that draw in customers and transform neighborhoods.

But a small town in Texas passed an ordinance to try to stop Brad from painting. “It just seems to me like it’s a lot of control, to tell a business owner what they can do with their building, and me as an artist what I can paint,” Brad says.

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