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Hi there,
Our 2023 letter writing campaigns have officially come to a close, and I'm thrilled to share this community wrote more than 1.15 million letters to voters across Wisconsin, Ohio, and Virginia this year! Democracy is at its best when everyone participates, and we can’t thank you enough for your efforts to make that happen.
[Together, we sent 1.15 million+ letters to voters in 2023!]([link removed])
[Excited about this incredible milestone? Help make 2024’s campaigns even bigger by chipping in to support Vote Forward today!]([link removed])
[I'll chip in today]([link removed])
Our research team is hard at work analyzing our campaigns, and we’ll have more to share about our 2022 results this month (more on this soon!) and additional results in 2024. For now, as Election Day approaches in Virginia and Ohio, take a moment to be proud of this community’s work to encourage democratic participation this year.
As we wrap up this year’s campaigns, and gear up to write even more letters in 2024, we’ll need your help to support more letter writers and reach even more voters. You can invest in our work to launch new campaigns, provide free stamps and letter kits to volunteers who need them, and continue learning from our experimental Vote Forward Labs campaigns by [making a contribution to Vote Forward]([link removed]).
[Support Vote Forward]([link removed])
Though this year’s letter campaigns are complete, there are still ways you can get involved in the elections in Virginia and Ohio over the next few days. Visit [swingleft.org/events]([link removed]) to find phone banking and canvassing opportunities with our affiliate organization Swing Left, and continue encouraging voter turnout in these critical races.
Thank you, as always, for your commitment to our democracy.
Yasmin Radjy
Executive Director
Vote Forward
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