Dear Friend,

It’s hunting season and grizzlies are caught in the crossfire. Donate $27 and help us reach our $4,320 goal to protect vulnerable wildlife and the planet!

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An innocent grizzly bear has just been SHOT DOWN in Montana while preparing for hibernation. She was busy preparing her den for herself -- and possibly any cubs depending on her. But now, the chances of survival for those cubs have been slashed. Without a mother, it’s unlikely they will survive the winter. We can’t stand to see another bear family meet the same fate. Please, donate $27 today and help protect our precious wildlife and the planet before the loss is too great.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first grizzly to die in Montana this fall. And with hunting season in full swing, she may not be the last. That's because trophy hunters and Big Polluters are working tirelessly to REMOVE vital Endangered Species Act protections for grizzly bears. Without protections in all states, grizzly bears would face similar horrors that black bears endure: reeling for days on end in painful steel traps, hunted down by hunting dogs -- even dynamited in their own dens!

The worst part? If these private interests succeed in stripping protections from grizzlies, we could lose grizzly bears forever. And with wildlife out of the way, Big Polluters would swoop in and destroy their lands. Mining, logging, and factory farming would take over the landscape. All for the sake of profit. Ask yourself Friend: is a payout for greedy interests really worth the decimation of one of our most iconic species and our planet?

We can still put a stop to these deadly plans. But we can’t win without your help.

We’re running out of time to save grizzlies and their lands. Donate $27 today and help us reach our $4,320 goal before the clock strikes midnight!

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Grizzlies were once numerous in the continental U.S. -- numbering 50,000! But their populations have since plummeted. And a huge culprit has been human impact. Excessive hunting and trapping have decimated their numbers. And human-caused habitat loss put grizzlies at serious risk. That’s why they received protections under the Endangered Species Act. 

But even with protections, grizzlies are still struggling to survive. Their habitat is ever-shrinking. Their food sources are increasingly hard to find. And climate change is driving them closer to the brink. As a result, fewer and fewer cubs are surviving to reach adulthood. And adult bears are dying at alarming rates, too.

Soon, things could get even worse for grizzlies. States in the northern Rockies are working to remove ESA protections for these threatened animals. If they succeed, there will be devastating impacts. Trophy hunters could be allowed to kill grizzlies indiscriminately, and with no consequences. And once grizzlies are driven out of their lands, Big Polluters will swoop in. They have hopes to open these lands up for mining, logging, and other planet-harming practices. 

Friend, it’s clear that we could lose grizzlies without urgent action. Plain and simple, they can’t afford to lose their life-saving protections. And our planet can’t afford it, either. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today. With hunting season in full swing, there’s never been a better time to stand up for grizzlies and the planet. Will you stand with us today to help strengthen the Endangered Species Act, protecting grizzly bears, other vulnerable wildlife, and the planet while there’s still time to act?  

Don’t let greedy interests endanger grizzlies and the planet any longer. Donate $27 today before grizzlies are lost forever.

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You may be wondering how grizzly bears are important to the planet we share. Believe it or not, these apex predators play a huge role in keeping our planet healthy! They keep prey populations in check, which allows other plant and animal species to thrive. What’s more, grizzlies roam far and wide, enriching soils and transporting vital nutrients as they go. But it doesn’t end there -- scientists are continuously discovering more and more ways grizzlies play an important part in their ecosystems. 

That’s why these bears must be protected at all costs. And that means protecting the Endangered Species Act. These laws don’t just protect bears, though. They provide critical protection for America’s iconic animal species. They’re also some of our most effective safeguards in the fight to protect our public lands and curb catastrophic climate change. 

At Friends of the Earth, we’re fighting to strengthen the Endangered Species Act and all of the wildlife that depends on it. That includes grizzlies! We've collected thousands of comments from supporters just like you urging our leaders to protect this vital legislation . And with your help, we’re pushing back against attacks on the Endangered Species Act and the greedy corporations that want to dismantle it.

But the fight is far from over, Friend. Your membership support to Friends of the Earth today will help fuel our work to push back against these private interests aiming to weaken the ESA in order to hunt down vulnerable species like bears, wreaking havoc on their environments, and contributing to the ecological destruction on our planet. Join the fight for our planet and precious wildlife  before they are hunted to extinction, and make your $27 membership contribution today!

Grizzly bears and our planet are on the line. Don’t let greedy interests win: Donate $27 today and help us hit our $4,320 goal by midnight TONIGHT!

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Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Senior fossil fuels and lands campaigner,  
Friends of the Earth
