From Ruben Gallego for Arizona <[email protected]>
Subject danger
Date November 3, 2023 2:25 PM
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We want to take a minute to remind you how things felt this time last year. Sorry to do it, but stay with us for a minute.

Do you remember? We do.

In Arizona we were worried about Blake Masters beating Mark Kelly. We were worried about Kari Lake beating Katie Hobbs. We were worried about losing control in the House AND the Senate — and all eyes were on Arizona.

But because literally hundreds of thousands of people across Arizona and around the country knew the stakes, knew how important those races were, and chipped in, we pulled it off.

Hard fought, but critical victories in Arizona.

But remember this, too: Kari Lake lost by less than 1% of all ballots cast. Less than 20,000 votes.

And she hasn’t softened. With Trump’s endorsement, with millions of the MAGA faithful at her beck and call, and with stopping the depths she will go to tear Ruben down — we have to be ready.

The good news is that there’s something you can do to help.

Please make a contribution to Ruben Gallego’s campaign today. We have won tough races in Arizona before. We can do it again. But we need your help to get it done.

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Thank you,

Ruben Gallego for Arizona

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