Check my complete endorsements, then make your plan to vote!

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

This is it!! It's up to us to turn out in record numbers this Tuesday 11/7 and make sure champions for peace and love win all over our district!

Click here to see my complete list of endorsements, with candidate names, positions, districts, and how many candidates you're able to vote for in each election!


Then, make your plan to vote! Do you know where your polling place is? Do you know what's on your ballot? Do you know when exactly you're going to go vote on Tuesday? (In NY, polling places are open 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.)

Get all the info you need at!


Please hear me loud and clear: Local elections matter. The people on your ballot will make vital decisions about our towns, cities, public schools, and so much more.

Plus, there are two state ballot proposals! I'm voting YES on Proposition 1 to "remove the debt limitations in the New York Constitution from small city school districts," and I hope you will too -- it will be a big help for school funding.

We need to make sure our local leaders represent our values, so please make your plan to vote and help elect these champions for our district!!

Peace and love,
