Dear Patriot, 

Townhall published a bombshell report on Marie Perez: she defended the terrorist group Hezbollah in her blog.

She wrote it was “unfair to say Hezbollah is an entirely terrorist group.”

I know firsthand that Hezbollah is a terrorist group: I fought against them in Iraq. It is appalling that Marie Perez would argue Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization. 

Please donate today to help send a veteran who will ban funding for terrorists to Washington:

Perez is dangerous because she is siding with the very same Hezbollah terrorists who are attacking our troops in Iraq and Syria - the same troops she voted to leave in the crosshairs of Hezbollah. 

Washington’s Third District needs a representative who has the experience necessary to protect our national security. Marie Perez is ignorant of the threat that terrorist groups like Hezbollah pose.

Please donate to ensure I defeat my radical opponent at You can also opt to make it a recurring contribution by clicking the “Make this Monthly” button.

Marie Perez is a radical who has tried to claim that Hezbollah, a group that kidnapped and murdered Americans, is not actually a terrorist organization.

You can help get a conservative Republican into Congress by donating today at

Will you please help me meet our goal so we can send a Special Forces veteran to Congress?


Joe Kent

PS - If you’re appalled at Marie’s defense of terrorism, support my campaign at

                              Paid for by the Joe Kent Victory Fund

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