Submitting an official comment is quick and easy — and it’s an important way to make sure your voice is heard in support of restoring overtime protections. Here are some quick notes you can use to write your official comment.
➡️ Americans are overworked and underpaid – and it’s time to change that by restoring overtime protections. Right now, less than 15% of full-time, salaried workers have overtime protections, compared to over 60% in the 1970s. That means millions of salaried workers are putting in hundreds of extra hours a year, without any extra pay.
➡️ The erosion of overtime has been terrible for the economy. If employers get to make people work extra hours without any extra pay, that’s exactly what they’ll do. And that means less money and less time for people working salaried jobs, more money for wealthy employers, and fewer jobs for everyone else. The result: fewer jobs, less time with family, reduced consumer demand, and a slower economy.
➡️ The proposed rules would be a major step forward to fulfill President Biden’s vision of growing the economy from the middle out by making sure millions of American workers get more money, more time, or a little bit of both. But the Department of Labor should go further and make the rules even stronger to protect millions more workers.
➡️ If overtime protections were updated to match what they were in the 1970s, every worker making less than about $85,000 a year would get overtime pay when they work overtime hours. I urge the Department to raise the overtime threshold further than has been proposed, provide an even bigger boost to millions of American workers, and grow the economy from the middle out.
You can just copy and paste these points into the comment box, but the more you personalize your message, the more impact it will have.
This is a rare opportunity to directly weigh in with the government on an important federal policy. Let’s get it done.