![]() Patriot, Less than a month ago, in an organized surprise attack, Hamas militants stormed into Israel, where they brutalized, murdered, and kidnapped innocent civilians, some at a music festival, others in their homes. Almost every one of their victims was defenseless, because unlike the United States, Israel has no Second Amendment. Israeli citizens had no way to protect themselves, their families, or their homes from brutal attacks. Despite being under constant threat of foreign hostilities, Israel – like almost every other country in the world – kept its civilian population disarmed and helpless to the threat of armed assailants. Whether against common criminals or foreign invaders, the Second Amendment enshrines your fundamental right to defend yourself and your family. America’s founders recognized this. That’s why they even clarified that “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” meant its purpose was for the people to keep and bear weapons suitable for going to war, not just for shooting varmints in the backyard. What happened in Israel on October 7 should have settled the gun control debate once and for all. Israel itself has lifted prohibitions on private gun ownership, which has left the Biden administration hopping mad. In fact, the would-be tyrants in Washington are demanding Israel stop arming its citizens, and they are scheming to take away your right to self-defense, too. U.S. Sen. Angus King (I-ME) announced his plan to introduce a de facto “assault weapons ban” to outlaw the very firearms most Americans choose for their own protection. This is intolerable. You and I need to STOP this gun grab before it starts. Contact your lawmakers RIGHT NOW and DEMAND they oppose Angus King’s gun grab and ANY assault on the Second Amendment! ![]() As current events prove, even in the face of an immediate foreign threat, tyrants are more afraid of an armed citizenry than they want to prevent atrocities. In fact, they have a perverse incentive to want atrocities. They capitalize on every crisis as an excuse for more tyranny. It’s incredible, if you really think about it: Every time a bad guy with a gun kills
defenseless people, the first thing the government wants to do is deprive the good guys of self-defense. This means YOU! It’s you they want kept defenseless, dependent on the government for protection – despite the fact that when seconds count, you don’t have minutes or hours to wait for help. Here’s what’s on the line: *** The most popular rifles in America – BANNED. More than any other type,
law-abiding Americans choose the AR platform for its simplicity, ease of use, reliability, and practicality in both sporting and defensive
applications. This is exactly the platform anti-gun zealots target with these bans. And if this bill resembles similar legislation introduced in previous years, many other popular firearms may be swept into the ban. Any semi-automatic shotgun that accepts a detachable magazine, even those with a fixed magazine that can hold more than 5 rounds, might be included. *** The magazine in your handgun – BANNED. No police officer in America uses a 10-round magazine in a handgun designed to hold 15. The truth is it often takes multiple rounds to stop an attacker. Which is why law enforcement officers almost universally use magazines with capacities of 15 rounds or more. Gun owners should be afforded the same resources as those officers. *** Your name in what is effectively a federal registry, along with every gun you own. Imagine a father not being able to hand his family firearm down to his son without getting a permission slip from the government. So-called “universal background checks” make private firearm sales between neighbors and close friends illegal unless a federal background check is completed, forcing all gun owners to be funneled through the unconstitutional NICS database, and delaying the ability to exercise a constitutional right. And of course, the NICS check often causes improper delays that can take days and even mistakenly prohibit a law-abiding citizen from lawfully acquiring a firearm. Often, “background checks” can take up to 8 days to process. This is a violation of the rights of people to purchase a gun and to protect themselves, putting law-abiding citizens in danger when they need to purchase a firearm quickly. A right delayed is a right denied. Patriot, I wish I could tell you this legislation is “dead-on-arrival” in Congress . . . but it only takes a very small number of weak-kneed Republicans to pass any anti-Second Amendment legislation. That’s why it’s critical you send your Second Amendment directive to Washington right away! ![]() In the Senate, Democrats (almost all of whom consistently support unconstitutional gun control) have a majority and need only a few turncoat Republicans to vote with them to overcome the filibuster. Remember, weak Republicans have betrayed our Second Amendment rights very recently. Just last year, Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY) gave his stamp of approval for Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) to work with Democrats on a Red Flag Gun Confiscation bill that ultimately passed because of support from Republicans. And in the House, Republicans have a narrow majority. If just a handful of Republicans join the Democrats in signing a discharge petition, they can force a vote on the House floor. Stop this gun grab before it starts: Take just 20 seconds to sign your directive to Congress: Defend the Second Amendment and oppose ALL gun control legislation! Refuse to deal away our Second Amendment rights! Remember, politicians in Washington are watching their mail. They need to know how white-hot this issue is. They act like they don’t care how many letters and petitions you send – because they want you to stop sending them. In reality, angry voters are the one thing politicians worry about. They want the tables turned . . . they want YOU to fear THEM so you won’t speak out and you won’t fight for your liberty. Because they fear you, they want your silence. Don’t give it to them. Send your directive to oppose Sen. King’s Gun Grab and any other gun control bills right now! ![]() After you’ve signed, please consider a donation to Campaign for Liberty. Our battles are many these days, and your support means a lot to Dr. Paul and our staff. As we head into the fall budget battle, our work will only increase as Congress attempts to throw more fuel on the fire. You and I must continue to fight for liberty and our rights. So after signing your directive to Congress, please make a generous donation, whether it be $10 or $500 or $1,000 or more, so we can keep up the fight. This is an important battle you and I cannot ignore. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Susan Collins (R-ME), Angus King (I-ME), and other statists are taking all they can, when they can. Unless you and I step up to stop them from infringing on our rights, they will succeed. But with your help and financial support, Campaign for Liberty can be a huge part of the movement to stop their power grab. Please sign your directive to Congress now, forward this message to your friends, and make a generous contribution, whether it be $10, $1,000, or something in-between. On behalf of Dr. Paul, thank you for all you do. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. You can stop the latest assault on the Second Amendment. You’ve done it before. Contact Congress right now! The gun grabbers are not wasting an opportunity to take away our Constitutional right to defend ourselves. You and I must stand up and tell them NO! And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this tyranny, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of
education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |