Join us at the Supreme Court on Tuesday to Disarm Domestic Violence
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Dear John,

No guns for domestic violence abusers. Period. Full stop.

This Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear Rahimi vs. U.S. a case that will determine if perpetrators of domestic violence  have a constitutional right to access or own a gun. 

We say emphatically, no, as do 83 percent of Americans.

We know the statistics:

  • When a gun is present during a domestic violence situation, the risk of death for the victim increases five-fold
  • 70 women in America are shot and killed by their domestic abuser in an average month
  • Nearly one million women today have been shot or shot at by an intimate partner
  • 2/3 of mass shooters killed a family member or intimate partner or had a history of domestic violence

The lives of women and families hang in the balance of the Supreme Court’s decision in the Rahimi case.

What can you do?

Join us on the steps of the Supreme Court on November 7th at 8:30 am for a rally with our partners Everytown, Students Demand Action, Moms Demand Action, Brady, Giffords, March for Our Lives, National Domestic Violence Hotline and NNEDV to say: Disarm Domestic Violence.

Register to join us in person in DC.

You can also tune in from anywhere you are by watching the livestream on our Facebook page on November 7th.

It’s common sense: domestic abusers should not have guns. The Supreme Court must protect survivors of abuse and keep our children and communities safe. Join us in the fight to Disarm Domestic Violence.

In solidarity,

Esta Soler, President and Founder
​​​​Kiersten Stewart, Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy

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Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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