November 2, 2023

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President's Message

This week, the Department of Education and the Office of National Drug Control Policy sent a letter to every state education agency, intergovernmental groups, and local, state, and national education association. The letter urges all schools to carry naloxone and prepare students and faculty to use it. 

School nurses provide leadership in all phases of emergency preparedness and response. NASN believes that the safe and effective management of opioid-related overdoses in schools must be incorporated into the school emergency preparedness and response plans.

It is now more important than ever to equip schools with the necessary resources to evaluate and respond to the drug overdose crisis. Safeguard your school community, create a naloxone program and campus protocols for emergency naloxone administration with NASN's Naloxone Education Toolkit.

Kate King, DNP, MS, RN, LSN

NASN President

Better Health. Better Learning.™ 

NASN News and Highlights

Learn to Share De-identified Data

Join us on November 9 at 1:30 PM ET for The National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts! - The School Nurse's Role in Data De-identification webinar. Participants will earn NCPD while gaining a better understanding of the components of The National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts!, what constitutes de-identified data, different types and sources of state privacy laws, and the role of school district privacy policies and how to find them. Free for NASN members!


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Addressing the Unique Needs of Students and Families With LEP

School nurses will likely encounter children and families with limited English proficiency (LEP) due to the increasing ethnic and racial diversity in U.S. K–12 schools. Listen to the NASN November Podcast, where NASN School Nurse Editor Cynthia Galemore interviews Sheryl Bennett, Ellen McCabe, and Allison Squires about the article, "Language Access for Families With LEP Why Does It Matter?"

Nominate Fellows of NASN

NASN is accepting nominations for Fellow and Honorary Fellow of the National Academy of School Nursing. The honor of Fellow is the most prestigious recognition for NASN members and their outstanding accomplishments in the school nursing profession and exceptional contributions to NASN. The Honorary Fellow award symbolizes great honor for non-nurses who are dedicated supporters of the NASN Vision. View Fellow descriptions and application procedures. Nominations must be submitted by November 30!

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School Vision Screening Made Simple - Introducing the Titmus Kaleidos

We hear the same complaints from nurses about all hand-held vision screeners. Needing to turn off the lights, moving the unit back and forth, and fumbling with small devices. Now there is a solution…

Learn About The Titmus Kaleidos

School Nurses in the News

This section highlights news stories featuring NASN and school nurses. If you have a story about school nurses you'd like us to consider including, please send it to us.

Managing Chronic Health Conditions

Collaborating to Provide and Coordinate School Health Services

School nurse-led case management (SNLCM) is a collaborative approach to provide and coordinate school health services, as defined by NASN's Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice™. The NCPD program A Model for SLCM, new to the NASN Learning Center and initially presented at Virtual NASN2022, defines and outlines the process of SNLCM and implementation methods to benefit students. SNLCM is a comprehensive strategy for caring for students with significant physical and behavioral concerns, reflecting the full scope of professional school nursing practice.

NASN Members: Enroll in the free online program.
Not Yet a NASN Member? Learn more about free online professional development programs and other benefits of NASN membership now.

Related Resources: Discover tools and resources to support the school nurse role in leading care coordination for students with chronic health conditions. Get the toolkit.

How to Recognize & Respond to Health Emergencies: What PE Teachers Need to Know

Physical education teachers are part of the school health team and must collaborate with the school nurse (or other licensed/trained school healthcare provider) to understand what a health emergency could look like and what to do in that situation. The Students with Chronic Health Conditions Posters, created by NASN in collaboration with SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators, highlight common chronic health conditions in school-age children, what a health emergency might look like, and what action to take.

Improving School Community & Student Health

Strengthen & Enhance Epilepsy Knowledge (SEEK) Training

The National Coordinating Center for Epilepsy has free, ready-to-use epilepsy training modules! These trainings can serve as teaching tools for all clinicians, including school nurses seeking to increase their knowledge and expertise regarding epilepsy care for children and youth with epilepsy. Browse the SEEK Training today!

Related Resources: Visit NASN's Epilepsy page to find resources to support the needs of students with epilepsy during school and as they transition out of high school.

Spread the Word About Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month 2023

Three hundred eighty-five million people worldwide live with hyperhidrosis, an underserved medical condition that nearly TRIPLES anxiety and depression risks. You can help ensure that everyone knows hope, community, support, and treatment are available. The International Hyperhidrosis Society has created educational content that you can share.

Mark Your Calendar

Webinar: The National School Health

Data Set: Every Student Counts the School Nurse's Role in Data De-identification

November 9

Discover how to submit de-identified data.

Learn more and register.

Application Deadline: Fellow/Honorary Fellow of the National Academy of School Nursing Nominations

November 30

NASN is accepting nominations for Fellows.

Learn more and nominate.

State Associations of School Nurses' Conferences

  • Oregon School Nurses Association Fall Conference - At the Heart of School Nursing - November 3, 2023. Learn more

  • School Nurse Organization of Minnesota Fall Conference - Elevating School Nurse Practice - November 3-4, 2023. Learn more

  • Colorado Association of School Nurses 2023 Fall Conference - Mastering Self-Efficacy: A Key to School Nursing Success - November 3-5, 2023. Learn more

  • Virginia Association of School Nurses 37th Annual Fall Conference - Connect, Engage and Energize for Well-Being! - November 4-5, 2023. Learn more

  • West Virginia Association of School Nurses 2023 Fall Conference - Coming Together as One - November 9-11, 2023. Learn more

  • Indiana Association of School Nurses Conference 2023 - THE TIME IS NOW - November 15-16, 2023. Learn more and Register

NASN Calendar of Events

This calendar includes upcoming events hosted by NASN and NASN affiliate school nurse organizations. Access the calendar.


National Health Observances Calendar

This calendar lists special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics. Access the 2023 calendar. 


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