As a Louisiana state legislator, Johnson filed lawsuits challenging the rights to same-sex marriage, adoption, and marital benefits. Last year, he introduced a federal version of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, and proposed cutting funding to libraries, schools, and hospitals that promoted “any program, event, or literature involving sexually-oriented material.”
Particularly concerning for intersex people, and transgender people like myself, he called gender-affirming care “abuse and physical harm.”
Elevating a person with these views to the third-most powerful role in the United States government will cause irreparable harm.
I need your help to fight back.
This campaign is surging, second among 21 candidates in the sum of our small-dollar donations and leading the field in total donors. A recent poll showed us in position to make the runoff.
Can you pitch in now to help elect a champion for LGBTQIA+ people to Congress to fight back against Speaker Mike Johnson?