Volunteers prepare thousands of signs, banners &
pieces of art!
We need your help!

Hundreds of volunteers prepare for Nov. 4 march, we need your
Last night, a huge crowd of volunteers packed the ANSWER office in
Washington, D.C. in a display of the type of grassroots power that is
being activated by the global movement in solidarity with Palestine.
The crowd was overwhelmingly made up of young activists, many getting
involved in the fight for the very first time, who are committed to
making the National March on Washington for Palestine a historic
All night, volunteers streamed into the office, assembling
placards, preparing banners, and participating in an art build put
together by an exciting new initiative called Artists Against
Apartheid. The building was filled so completely that some volunteers
needed to leave to distribute posters and flyers just to make room for
the new arrivals!
The materials involved in preparing the extensive
signage assembled last night alone cost approximately $4,000. Please
make an urgently-needed donation today to help cover these

The groundswell of support for the Palestinian cause has caught the
Israeli and U.S. war machine off balance. Instead of a war hysteria in
which opposition to Israel is forbidden, a new people's movement has
emerged to end Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza and demand freedom
for Palestine.
This Saturday's national march will showcase this movement in the
most massive way yet. It will take the collective effort of millions
around the world to end all U.S. support for Israel and bring down
this apartheid regime. There are already so many people committed to
taking up this fight.
Please make an urgently needed donation to
support solidarity work with Palestine in this pivotal

Find out more about the Artists Against
Apartheid initiative here!