Also: DC faces a shortage of large rental units
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Greater DC Update
High-speed internet subscription rates highlight DC inequities
Varying rates of high-speed internet subscription across DC’s wards and neighborhoods follow existing patterns of inequities, which are the result of decades of discriminatory policies and practices. Ensuring residents can access broadband internet at home could improve equity gaps in DC.
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Is there a need for more large rental units in DC?
There are limited affordable large rental units in many DC areas, and the supply is decreasing. DC should set targets for the production and preservation of affordable large units and consider a range of tools and policies to achieve these goals.
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A financial empowerment center could benefit DC and its residents
DC’s low-income residents would be well served by a financial empowerment center, and the savings would be realized not only by residents but also by the city. By improving the financial lives of DC’s most financially insecure, the city can ensure that everyone can thrive in its vibrant economy.
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Can opportunity be zoned in DC?
DC is attempting to harness the new Opportunity Zones tax incentive to accelerate its existing economic growth and community plans. How does DC’s strategy compare with two other cities?
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“The Black Butterfly”
Baltimore’s mix of market and nonmarket forces makes it an important place to examine the geography of opportunity in an American city. Explore racial segregation and investment patterns in Baltimore.
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