
Here's an incredible fact:

Neither political party has a plank supporting term limits in their party platforms.

Over 80% of all Americans support term limits for the House and Senate.  YET the professional politicians have successfully blocked their respective party platforms from endorsing term limits.

Please sign the national petition to both the Republican and Democratic Committees demanding that they publicly support term limits and the Term Limits Convention which will bypass Congress and impose term limits.

Both political parties have begun planning their conventions where their respective party platforms will be approved.

That's why we need to start now in rallying the American people to force the RNC and DNC to do what an overwhelming number of Americans from all walks of life want . . .

. . . call for term limits on Congress!

Please sign the national petition.  And then please forward this email around to everyone you know.

Barack Obama says he supports term limits.  President Trump says he supports term limits.

Huge numbers of ordinary people from each political party want term limits.

There is is no reason that term limits isn't front and center in BOTH party platforms this year.

Please sign the national petition.  And feel free to forward this email around to every Republican, Democrat and independent you know!


Phil Blumel



U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 200  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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