Dear Friend,

Democrats had their big Super Tuesday primaries this week and Joe Biden had quite a night, but the biggest winner was socialism. 

Bernie Sanders won big in California, and it’s clear that the rest of the Democratic primaries in the coming weeks are going to be total chaos.

Not even Bloomberg’s billions could stop Bernie, and now it is up to conservatives to unite and defend our country against his dangerous ideology. 

No matter who the Democrats nominate, they have all gone further and further to the left to appease their radical base and have embraced socialism. 

I am ready for what will be the most important fight of our time, and I’m counting on conservatives across Kentucky to unite and join me.

The very soul of our country is at stake, and if we allow Bernie or Biden and their followers to rip up the Constitution and let the government dominate our lives, then the America that we know and love will be gone.
