Hi John,
In all forms of activism there are calls to make movements more intersectional, a practice that requires a lot of intention and constant work that we are committed to at Rerpoaction. Our Senior Movement Building and Research Manager wrote an excellent piece on how movement leaders can make sure they are centering intersectionality in their work.
Read our blog here.

Check Out What’s Going on This Month:

Giving Thanks for Abortion Pills
This month and every month we are grateful for the magic of abortion pills. As attacks on abortion pills spread across the world, we continue to spread the message that abortion pills are safe, effective, and must be accessible. Abortion pills give us the power to be our own abortion providers and help people in our community access abortion.
Learn more about how to support someone self-managing their abortion on our blog here.
Self-care is an intentional practice that roots us in the present despite the oppression we may face. Regular self-care is essential for sustainable and effective activism.
Here are our self-care tips for November:
1. Make a vision board! The new year is coming up and there's no better time to envision what your future looks like. Consider what really inspires you and go from there. Cut up old magazines or print out pictures/quotes from Pinterest and glue them on a poster board in whatever way you like, or just start drawing! Check out your local libraries if you don't have magazines on hand - they may be willing to give you old magazines and other materials for free before they're recycled. Happy manifesting! – Nataley, Executive Assistant and Senior Operations Coordinator
2. Feel. Autumn has finally arrived, and with it is a shift in energy. I know there are longer nights, and mixed emotions with this season. Give into it, your feelings and emotions should be expressed. Dive into your core, whether through meditation, cleansing rituals, journaling, finding a new hobby, or just sitting in your home with some lo-fi music in the background. This may inspire the creation of ideas, and renewed optimism or sense of self. Set aside a moment to relish the atmosphere, the hues, and the gentle onset of the evening breeze. – Jacqueline, Senior Outreach Coordinator
3. Go for long (or short) walks! As the weather gets colder it gets harder and harder to go outside. It is important to prioritize getting outside for as long as you can each day. I find a good way I switch from work mode to rest mode is taking a long walk right when I am finished working to help ground myself. – Laila, DC Organizer
See you next month!
In Solidarity,
Erin, Shireen, Elizabeth, Evonnia, Jacqueline, Jessica, Kieran, Laila, Nataley, Negar, and the Reproaction team
P.S. Feeling grateful this giving season? Donate here to support bold direct action.