Dear John,

As we find ourselves nearing the end of another year (can you believe it?) we are once again reflecting on the unexpected challenges that have come our way here at the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC). One thing has remained constant—your support. We cannot thank you enough.  

We invite you to watch this special message from Lisiann Rodriguez, a senior attorney on NIJC's Asylum Project, who is on the front lines leading our work to assist recent arrivals. She shares how your support makes an immense impact for people who are new to our communities, bringing them a step closer to a life with dignity here in the United States.

Thank you for being a part of the NIJC community and for welcoming people who have taken the courageous steps to seek safety and new lives for themselves and their loved ones.

With gratitude,

Mary Meg McCarthy
Executive Director, National Immigrant Justice Center


224 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600  |  Chicago, Illinois  60604

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