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Nikki’s Pseudo-Surge

Kurt Schlichter

Democrats Are 'Devoutly' Hypocritical

Spencer Brown

Woke Is How the West Will Be Lost

Derek Hunter

Nightmare on Martha's Vineyard

Ann Coulter

Matthew Perry and the Cult of Celebrity

Cal Thomas

Washington Snoozes While Foreign Money Continues to Pour Into U.S. Colleges and Universities

Bob Barr

How Long Can a System Built on Lying, Cheating, and Corruption Survive?

Mark Lewis

Ohio’s Issue 1 is About More Than Abortion

Ken Blackwell

Bidenophobia: Fear of Biden Folding to the Extreme Left

Terry Paulson

House Republicans Help Kill Effort to Censure Rashida Tlaib

Rebecca Downs

John Kirby Refuses to Say Whether Antisemitic Protesters Are 'Domestic Terrorists'

Sarah Arnold

Trump to Progressive Judge: 'Leave My Children Alone'

Sarah Arnold

Hawley Makes Damning Revelation About Mayorkas and Pro-Hamas Staffers

Sarah Arnold

Don Lemon's Halloween Costume Raises Eyebrows

Sarah Arnold

Gaetz Roasts Journalist Who Attacked Speaker Johnson for Living Modestly

Sarah Arnold

One Country Severs All Ties With Israel

Madeline Leesman

We Are Breeding Generations of Little Tyrants

Laura Hollis

Responsible Government Isn't Just for the Tough Times

Veronique de Rugy

Biden Once Again Weaponizes the Law Against Conservatives

Timothy Head

Mike Johnson in His Own Words

Jerry Newcombe

Weakness and Underestimating Enemies Invites War

Scott Powell

Virginia's November Election Will Have National Implications

Sharon Higel

The Coming Reliable Energy Crisis Is Entirely Avoidable

Rep. Adam Bowling

Russia, Iran and China: Progressive Chickens Coming Home to Roost

John O'Connor

A New American Gaza Awaits Us

Armstrong Williams

No One Is Free to Sit Out This Fight

Alan Joseph Bauer

Do Americans Think 'the Economy Works for Everyone?'

Rebecca Downs

Democrat Running for Higher Office Seen at Fundraiser Benefitting Radical Trans Youth Group

Rebecca Downs

We Have Another Payment Development in the Biden Bribery Scandal

Matt Vespa

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
This Is Why We Have A Violent Crime Problem, Not Guns |
Madison on the 2nd Amendment & militia clause |
Car Accidents Aren't Homicides. Stop Pretending They Are |
A "compromise" from the gun prohibitionists - you can't own one, but maybe you can borrow one |
Politico: Newsom's Gun Control Amendment Going Nowhere |
D.C.'s Run Out of Room Behind Bars to House Juvenile Offenders |