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Dear Friends of Identity,

I am honored to share Identity’s FY23 Annual Report.  I invite you to get to know the resilient and empowered community you have supported. 

As our Annual Report shows, Identity remains dedicated to keeping young people engaged in education, older youth engaged in work skills development and parents equipped to help them, while also delivering life-saving case management and mental health support. With the involvement of so many members of the community, staff and Board, and allies like you, we assisted more than 45,000 neighbors in FY23 whose health, mental health, work and schooling were at risk.

Thank you for embracing Identity’s vision of a just and equitable society that nurtures all youth and is enriched by their contributions. We are honored to experience every day what empowerment really means for Latino and other underserved residents and what an empowered community can lead and accomplish.  

As we head into our 25th year,  thank you for making it possible for so many to grow, thrive and give back. 

Un muy fuerte abrazo,
Diego Uriburu
Executive Director
This unique mosaic was designed and assembled by students at Watkins Mill High School to express what the Identity-run Wellness Center means to them.  Read more in the Annual Report. 
Read Our Annual Report Here
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