From 'Muslims for Progressive Values' <[email protected]>
Subject Reflections on the Values of Non-Violence​ ​
Date November 1, 2023 6:20 PM
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MPV Newsletter

November 2023

President's Note

Thoughts on the Values of Non-Violence

At this point in my life, I’ve had friends of all kinds, Jews and Palestinians included and in interfaith settings we all get
along. A Cantor I know puts on a magnificent interfaith musical event that included a choir from an African American church,
a beautiful Islamic call to prayer by a man, and occasionally I would join the interfaith choir in this annual celebration of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 's birthday. At the heart of Dr. King’s message was non-violence, but somehow, and sadly, with
the heinous attack of Israel by Hamas, and with the slaughter of innocent Palestinians, especially children, as punishment at
the hands of Israel, all the non-violence stance rendered moot.

Claiming to stand for the values of non-violence in times of peace is too easy. What counts is when it is difficult and when
it is directed at “the other”, at the enemy. I have lost all respect for these fake peace actors, and have gained a whole new
level of respect for the true disciples of non-violence - Dr. King, Mandela, Reverend Desmund Tutu and Ghaffar "Badshah"

If Israelis like Yocheved Lifschitz who was kidnapped and released, and others who still have families kidnapped by Hamas
caution against the slaughter of innocent Palestinians, then surely everyone else can swallow their ego, pride and take a
backseat. Instead, what we see is a killing field, with American media and its politicians relishing war.

In observing the Palestinians, their perseverance to live is no different than that of the Israelis. Together these two
peoples, should they one day live side by side as two nations, they will excel, and they will do so much to contribute to
world peace.

Onward and upward…

Ani Zonneveld,

President & Founder

UN Updates

The Global Campaign for Equality in Family Law (GCEFL)

MPV had the honor of joining our fellow coordinating committee members of the Global Campaign for Equality in Family Law ( [link removed] ) at the United Nations in Geneva to brief the CEDAW Committee ( [link removed] ) on the importance of strategizing to lift reservations
to Article 16.

Learn more about the campaign here ( [link removed] ).

Interested in becoming a member?

Apply Here ( [link removed] )

National Updates

A Just Peace in Possible and Urgently Necessary

In the sixteen year long history of MPV, we have advocated for the human dignity of all people, and that includes that of the
Palestinian people, and we will continue to do so. However, we are of the mind that as Muslims, we must be able to hold all
human life as sacred, and this requires us to recognize pain on all sides of the equation. Therefore, MPV resolutely condemns
the October 7 attack which resulted in the killing, torture, and kidnapping of Israeli civilians. We similarly condemn the
subsequent indiscriminate bombing and starvation of Gaza by the state of Israel, the resulting deaths of numerous innocent
Palestinians, and we call for an end to the occupation once for all.

Read the full statement here ( [link removed] )

National Updates

MPV's 2023 National Conference

After a long few months of planning, our 2023 National Conference finally took place the first weekend of October at Union
Theological Seminary in New York City. It was a wonderful convening of MPVians and our progressive Muslim and non-Muslim
allies. Be on the look out for a full conference report coming by the end of the year.

A special thank you to our sponsors Americans United for the Separation of Church and State ( [link removed] ), the
Center for Pluralism ( [link removed] ), Parity ( [link removed] ), Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP
( [link removed] ), rūhwisdom ( [link removed] ), and Union Theological Seminary ( [link removed] ) for helping make the event possible.

National Updates

MPV Stands in Solidarity with Sikhs

Muslims for Progressive Values joined a group of 70 organizations to express solidarity with Sikh Americans and partner
groups in light of the heightened climate of fear and uncertainty. Since the Canadian government's assertions about the
Indian government's role in the killing of a Sikh Canadian, Sikhs around the world, including in the US, have been concerned
about their safety and human rights. It is vital to prevent a chilling effect on the practices of protected political
expression & faith by Sikh Americans, and to stop bigotry and harmful perceptions. Our organizations collectively reinforce
our commitment to human rights values and amplify the demands of Sikh American groups.

Read the full statement here ( [link removed] )

MPV in the Media

Conversations with Ani Zonneveld | Voyage LA Magazine | October 23, 2023

Read Here ( [link removed] )

Chapter Updates

MPV Houston is here!

A new chapter has joined Muslims for Progressive Values in the Southern region of the United States! MPV-Houston is the
latest chapter of the organization, working to unite Muslims and all communities in the Greater Houston area to practice
solidarity and affirm equality.

According to the Census Bureau 2020 U.S. religion study, Houston is home to over 120,000 Muslims. Within this, the City of
Houston is known to be a melting pot of various im/migrants from countries around the world. Additionally, Houston is often
the first stop for refugees from countries such as Afghanistan as they make their way to and through the United States.

Muslims of all backgrounds have made a home out of Houston, and this demands a safe space for our community, as well as the
unique opportunity to show solidarity for other marginalized groups. Interested in joining the Houston chapter? Want to get
involved? Follow us on Instagram @mpvhouston ( [link removed] ) to stay in the know as we grow our
chapter and our community!

Join MPV Houston ( [link removed] )

Chapter Events

MPV Boston

Please join MPV-Boston with Community Church of Boston for the following events in November:

November 7 - Virtual Event - 7PM: "Reflections on the Current War in Gaza" with Dan Cohen and Gaza refugee Amir Qudaih -
Register here! ( [link removed] )

November 9 - Virtual Film Screening & Discussion - 7PM:

"Killing Gaza" documentary - Register here! ( [link removed] )

November 13 - In Person at CCB & Broadcasted - 7PM: "A Conversation with Max Blumenthal" with Max Blumenthal- Register here!
( [link removed] )

Read on for updates on MPV Boston's events from last month!

Join MPV Boston ( [link removed] )

Chapter Updates

MPV Boston

Muslims for Progressive Values Boston was honored to join community partners for the annual Eid Diwali event (pictured
above). This event was full of life and interfaith unions of the South Asian diaspora. Muslims, Christians, Catholics,
Hindus, Sikhs and other faiths all joined a night of performances, poetry, art and a celebration of achievements of advocacy
and inclusion.

Progressive Muslims in the Boston area joined marches in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island (pictured below),
marching alongside fellow activists to highlight human rights violations in Palestine.

Chapter Events

MPV San Francisco

MPV SF Bay is preparing for events coming up in November and December with two major events.

The first is an outing to watch a performance of Omar, the Grammy winning opera about Omar bin Said ( [link removed] ), a Muslim scholar from West Africa who wrote an autobiography in Arabic documenting
his journey into and life as a slave. This will happen in the third week of November and we are working directly with the San
Francisco Opera to provide members discounted tickets.

The other upcoming plan is a book event with Katrina Daly Thomson about her new volume Muslims on the Margins ( [link removed] ), which documents the real experiences and diverse perspectives
of nonconformist communities. Professor Thomson engaged with MPV in the course of her research for the book, including
members and directors in the SF Bay Chapter. This will happen in the first days of December.

Follow events and updates from MPV SF Bay via the Meetup Group ( [link removed] ) or Facebook Page ( [link removed] )!

Chapter Updates

MPV San Francisco

MPV San Francisco and its members have been affected by the recent events in Palestine and Israel and are working their way
through it. Members challenged one of their mosques about sermons that veered into bigotry. Members also gathered online to
create some space to help the community come together and connect. The issue of Palestine-Israel is critical, emotional, and
very difficult. As human beings, everyone needed space to get together in good faith and as family. To talk, vent, listen,
maybe argue—but above all to process and commune.

SF Bay Chapter also continued with the tradition of “field trips” attending and participating in events of interest to
members. These included a viewing of the movie Mustache ( [link removed] ), by Pakistani-American
director Imran J. Khan on the 9th of October in San Francisco as part of the Mill Valley Film Festival.

Then on the 10th, members joined friends at Hindus for Human Rights at the University of California, Berkeley for a moderated
community discussion featuring three eminent journalists from India: Kalpana Sharma, Anuradha Bhasin, and Raghu Karnad. The
topic was: A Crisis of Democracy: Indian Media Ahead of the 2024 Elections. Members also attended the 3rd i San Francisco
South Asian Film Festival ( [link removed] ), with particular interest in the opening night ( [link removed] ) on October 20th.

Join MPV San Francisco ( [link removed] )

Progressive Islam In Practice

The Women in Islam Series is a public education series that demonstrates the compatibility of Islam & feminism & expands
public knowledge on the explicit right that Muslim women have to human rights. Over the series, we'll be publishing 11 pieces
of educational content that promote a woman’s right to bodily autonomy from a progressive Islamic perspective.

Check out Part VIII ( [link removed] )

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LinkedIn ( [link removed] )

Hey, would you like to see more of MPV in your feed?
Connect with us on our social platforms!

* 1465 Tamarind Ave., Suite 702
* Los Angeles
* California
* 90028

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