Call for Sessions Now Open!
** Intersections 2020 Call for Sessions
Intersections ([link removed]) is the only national conference dedicated to inclusive housing solutions with lasting affordability. Between September 21 and September 24, more than 650 of the nation’s most creative, dedicated and talented community land trust, limited-equity cooperative and housing nonprofit leaders, inclusionary housing and municipal program staff, policy makers and advocates will convene in Minneapolis, Minnesota to focus on advancing and sustaining racially inclusive places by exploring strategies for investing in the people, programs and spaces that create avenues for equity.
** We Need You!
This year we are looking for sessions that are bold, innovative and relevant demonstrations of how to Invest in Inclusion throughout the housing sector. All proposed sessions must highlight diverse speakers and presentations that promote housing solutions across the nation. They will fit into three main session types: breakout sessions (90 minutes), mobile workshops (2 hours), and peer gatherings.
** Areas of Interest
Session proposals must fit into one of the following areas of interest:
* Inclusive housing policies (such as inclusionary housing or public land disposition policies)
* Inclusive housing programs (such as LGBTQ+ senior housing or applying a racially equitable lens to a housing provider’s eviction policies)
* Public and private financial investment structures
* Organizational and leadership development
* Community organizing and resident empowerment
Grounded Solutions seeks presenters with diversity in areas of race, gender, age and more. We also aim to curate sessions that include diversity of perspective, role, and sector. This can include sessions that feature residents, municipal leaders, community land trust staff, and so on. We also encourage sessions that highlight the ties between housing and other key sectors such as finance, health, policy and beyond. By endeavoring to build sessions and panels with diverse individuals and perspectives, we aim to uphold the theme of the conference and provide dynamic and meaningful sessions that enable attendees to take implementable learning home.
** Interested in Submitting a Session?
** Deadline for submissions is March 27th, 2020.
For the full call for sessions guidelines please visit this link ([link removed]) . If you have any additional questions reach out to Training Specialist, Baridilo Dube (mailto:
[email protected]?subject=Intersections%202020%20Call%20for%20Sessions) . We look forward to your submissions!
Submit a Session Idea ([link removed])
** Where we live matters.
** We bring together an extensive network of partners and member practitioners from local communities who have a deep understanding of best practices in community land trusts, shared equity housing, local housing policies such as inclusionary zoning, and more.
At Grounded Solutions Network, we know what policies and strategies work to build and preserve housing opportunities, and we help communities use them.
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