Please join our Zoom call this Saturday, November 4th at 10 AM.
We will discuss "what we want" from the State, get your input, and exchange ideas. There will be time for you to bring issues of common interest and local concerns to the meeting to discuss and get advice from other members.
At our last teleconference, one of our members reported meeting with Assembly Member Phil Ting. Asm Ting told her, "I know what you don't want, but tell me what you do want". During the discussion, our member received a few suggestions. But it became clear that a comprehensive list of what we want would be useful to all of us in meetings with our legislators. Several of us have started developing such a list. At Saturday's meeting, we would like to get your input.
We will also continue to discuss inviting speakers to future teleconferences. If you have a speaker in mind, we would be happy for you to invite them and host that portion of the teleconference. Just send your suggestion to [email protected].
Thank you. With your support, we managed to meet all of our October commitments on time.
We need $3000 more to pay this month's bills. Please Donate Now.
We could really use one or two large contributions.
If you have previously attended our teleconferences, use your previously assigned zoom link. We resend those on the day before for your convenience. Please don't share your unique link.
First-time attending? You must RSVP at this link. Questions about attending? Email us at: [email protected].