We are facing a firestorm like we’ve never faced before!The Progressive, Socialist/Marxist Left is lighting many fires across the country at the local, state, and federal levels hoping to overwhelm our ability to extinguish their efforts and allow wins wherever we fail to show up. Big fires. Costly fires. If any one of their firestorms aimed at our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Culture, Security, and Freedoms succeed, we lose ground we may never regain. We can’t afford to lose on any of these battle fronts and many are feeling overwhelmed! The Left is going for broke and they want nothing less than a complete government transformation and one-party takeover to extinguish your voice and your values forever. If America is going to survive, we must find a way to effectively fight many fires, on many fronts, simultaneously.We the People can lock shields and create a legislative and cultural firewall that will hold the lines on our values and hold the government accountable to the people they were hired to serve. Stronger Together! Please Share and Help Us Grow Our Firewall of Protection for America! Hearts, Minds, and Mobilization in MinutesNew Digital Activism Campaign Model for the Modern Era Act for America has perfected digital activism through our ACT NOW campaign model. Whether you are an Act for America chapter leader, a local like-minded group leader, a member of local groups, or operate solo, we now invite you to join in on our Digital Campaigns to make a big impact with the least amount of time and effort. Act for America is RESULTS BASED, and everything we do is designed to reach hearts and minds and mobilize them. Whether you are a new or longtime member, a follower, a solo activist, or a chapter leader, Act for America has built the most powerful policy and cultural impact campaign tool designed to amplify and multiply your voice, the voice of the people. In just the past few weeks we have added over nearly 20,000 new activists! So, we want to take the time to welcome you and thank you for trusting and supporting Act for America and ensure all our members are aware of how to plug into our Act for America community! Becoming a Digital Activist Campaigner Act followers have taken over 119 million actions in just over a year! ONE PERSON can act on a campaign and count as 1000 constituents per click, per representative! ONE PERSON who gathers only 40-50 friends and family to join you in a campaign can set policy priorities, stop bad legislation, and push for legislation that needs to be moved through committees to the floor for a YEA vote! This is the Left’s dirty little secret! Each Person is Critical to Winning Back America! Through ACT NOW Campaigns we hold our elected officials accountable to represent us and score them based on HOW THEY Act for America. This is a Real Republic in Action! Getting involved and making a difference has NEVER been easier! Your time: Make an impact in 2 min. a day! Your schedule: We’re Open 24/7! Your convenience: Grassroots now moves with you on your laptop, desktop, and smartphone. You can click away on campaigns on the go, poolside, fireside, in the air, on the couch, on the green, coffee breaks, and gas stops-you get the picture. You have limitless opportunities to Act! The Power of Grassroots Numbers By creating a digital campaign network you can engage folks in ever-increasing numbers, multiply your effort, and secure better, faster outcomes through the power of numbers! Follow Our Lead Subscribe and track with us on the most relevant, timely issues. SHARE content and post to your social media platforms. Email Archives Here. Follow Us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Rumble, and YouTube. Share to your home page and ask your followers to do the same. MEME Away! Find compelling MEMEs combined with ACT NOW Campaigns to capture a viral audience. *Twitter is considered the #1 platform to influence policy and election outcomes. Chapter and Group Leaders · Move to a digital-only platform or combine it with in-person & video meetings. · Recruit New Members Through Posts! · Choose single or multi-issue campaigns. · Train up skilled members. · Initiate local and state campaigns. · Join our legislative campaign team. Start a Digital Campaign Chapter Today! Consider becoming a sustaining member. Whether it’s $5 or $500 a month, it makes a significant difference in providing dedicated resources and materials that support our work, our movement, our training, and resources, and determines the size and scope of the state and federal battles we fight. Click Here to Become a Member. Every dollar is put to real work! We are a 4-Star Charity! It’s time to get informed and equipped for another wave of Islamic Terrorism! In October, here is my gift to you with your annual Substack subscription. Receive critical information and action alerts to make a real impact on our national security, freedoms, and culture.