Friend, you’re probably getting a lot of emails about the results from Super Tuesday, but we need to stay focused towards the future -- where we’ll win our primary and elect Alex Morse to Congress. We can build the future we want to see, one where families aren’t worried about accessing and paying for healthcare, and where our climate is stable and our planet is safe for our children. If you believe we can make this future a reality, we need you to contribute today to Alex’s campaign.
Friend, we’re in a fight for our future. We’ve had a generation of political leadership that has been bought and sold by corporate greed, and that has sold out our future in turn. Alex is running to be a part of a new generation of leadership -- one that puts people first.
We are organizing all over the district, in every community, to create a future where we all have stable housing, jobs with livable wages, and a safe environment. We are committed to creating opportunities for the future of all of Western and Central Massachusetts’ children.
But we are up against an incumbent who is more interested in preserving the status quo and enriching the lives of the most powerful. If we’re going to win a better future for all of us, we need you to donate today.
Together we can build the bold, progressive future we deserve.
Team Morse