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All gifts matched! Help us raise $50,000 by Dec. 31! Image of thermometer at lowest point. We depend on readers like you to help us keep producing this journalism. Donate
Dear Reader,

As a PublicSource reader, you already know that we prioritize truth over profits. Every day, our team works hard to produce public-service reporting that you can trust — because everyone in our region deserves a reliable source for news that matters, without paywalls. 

That’s why we’re excited to share an opportunity to make donations go even further through NewsMatch, a collaborative fundraising movement to support independent journalism like ours. 

Here’s how it works.

Starting now through Dec. 31, the Wyncote Foundation, Loud Hound Foundation and our generous local match pool supporters will match your new monthly donation 12 times or double your one-time gift, all up to $1,000. With your support, we can earn up to $50,000 in match funds!

Your support will get our campaign off to a strong start and set our newsroom up to report on Pittsburgh in 2024. If you believe in the work we’re doing, will you give today to double the impact of your donation?
With gratitude,

Halle Stockton
Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief

P.S. Please help us spread the word! Do you have friends and colleagues who share your commitment to supporting journalism like ours? Forward this email to them. (Thank you in advance!)

To be removed from fundraising messages, please email [email protected]. Donations by check can be made payable to PublicSource and mailed to 1936 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15219. So that we can credit you properly, please include your email address with your gift.

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