I really hate sending emails like this. But I made the decision not to take contributions from corporate PACs, and we cannot afford to let Lauren Boebert out-spend us again. Especially not when we lost by just 546 votes last time.


I really hate sending emails asking for money. But I made the decision not to take contributions from corporate PACs, and we cannot afford to let Lauren Boebert out-spend us again. Especially not when we lost by just 546 votes in 2022.

You see, these fundraising emails are the only way grassroots-funded campaigns like ours can compete with the Super PACs.

I know they can get annoying – especially if you’re hearing from a lot of campaigns. So if you need to unsubscribe, I understand. But if you can afford to give $5 to help me defeat Lauren Boebert, today would be a really good moment to chip in to my campaign.

We’re facing our most important end-of-month fundraising deadline yet at midnight tonight, and we’re still just $6,821 short of our $350,000 goal.

Lauren Boebert knows she is in trouble. That’s why her extreme Washington allies have already started attacking me.

All of the political pundits got this race wrong last time. Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight said we would lose by over 45,000 votes. But this time, they’re all saying we can win. This is a "toss-up" race.

We cannot afford to miss this goal – not if we want to send Boebert packing. But I am relying entirely on grassroots donors like you, so I need your help.

Please, will you chip in now to my campaign – whatever amount you can afford to give before our end-of-October fundraising deadline at midnight tonight – and help me defeat Lauren Boebert once and for all in 2024?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I am, as always, eternally grateful to have your support,

With gratitude -